Setting up and managing a brand new blog has always been a big worry for everyone ...
Think of it!
Just Think ...
Content, Seo, Social marketing = Traffic.
There are A ton of curators out there we all know that, but all they do is curate(100% useless), they provide absolutely no seo benefit or a means to market on social media, Most of them specialize in dumping un-profitable (gossip articles on your blog)
As well a ton of quality seo or social media products...but the truth is no product Converges the three elements effectively to yield profitable results
Let me introduce you to SLAM
Social Link Authority Machine
A powerful software tool that allows you to pull content from over 500 million blogs and 30 million YouTube Videos at the push of a button.
A way to instantly post information from these blogs to your fan pages and your own sites.
How to get tons of Tier 1 & Tier 2 Social Backlinks – at the push of a button.
How in less than 30 days you’ll have hundreds if not thousands of social signals for your WordPress blogs or any other sites you own.
A Facebook engagement engine that optimizes every post image with a hyperlink to make ads more focused on link clicks instead of photo views.
Cheaper engagement, more social signals and quality SEO.
Ladies and gents...plain and simple, this is a NO-BRAINER!