Sean Fargo - Mindfullness Excercise - JV Invite
Launch Day: Sunday, February 1st 2015

Who Is Sean Fargo?

Sean Fargo is the founder of Mindfullness Exercises and author, teacher and coach of Mindfullness Exercises. Sean is Certified as an Integral Life Coach by New Ventures West

In 2010, Sean Was supported thousands of mindfulness meditation practitioners at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, facilitated mindfulness classes in San Quentin and Solano State Prisons, co-lead several workshops for Spirit Rock and Inward Bound Mindfulness

What Is MindFullness Exercises?

Mindfulness exercises are training tools which help you live with more self-awareness and kindness. What sets our exercises apart are the combination of reflections, practices and exercises which help you bring awareness to your past, present AND future way of being in every area of your life.

Our mindfulness exercises include a variety of video, audio and worksheets that you can download, use repeatedly and keep forever. Members receive full access to our growing library of mindfulness meditations, binaural brainwave mp3’s, guided reflections, group practices, relaxing nature sounds, and much more.

Product Price and Commission

Monthly Subscription Fee - $7.95

Commission- 50%

What Others Say About Sean Fargo

"Sean is a wonderful teacher, well practiced in the teaching of mindfullness and compassion, dedicated and thoughtful"

Jack Kornfield
Best - Selling Author and Founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center

For More Information Visit

Sean Fargo - Mindfullness Excercise - JV Invite