Hi everyone.

I'm from Croatia. I've started one project 2 years ago and this year I managed to get my first investment and in March I will sign contract with startup accelerator camp. But there is also another project which have been online for 1 year now, I've finished new beta version few days ago.
One startup can be really hard to maintain but there is no reason why not to try with another one just to get traction and see how people will respond to it.

You may be wondering why I ask here not in my country. I tried with the first project (really hard to get people even my friends) and the second but without luck, people in Croatia are not hard workers and are very close-minded, also I would like to expand my points of view and associates.

What I need is promoter mostly. I can program anything and everything but when it comes to marketing I totally suck. This web (mobile oriented) app is adult finder app but concept is different than any other adult finder. This one is based on Google Maps, locations, tagging... I'm not sure if I may post link and name of the app so if anyone is interested can PM me, there is landing page and you can get much better perspective on it.