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Thread: Why should a product be unproven?

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  1. #1
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Why should a product be unproven?

    Back to the unproven product question.

    As Mike has talked about so much before, products and the copy should be tested before they ever get to the launch phase.

    I understand that some products can’t really be tested until launch day one example of that is Luke Parked ran some tracking software to pick the best of over 50 headlines. I know this took a lot of work but it did pay off for him.

    But for the most part you should have at least tested the copy with PPC or even with a sublist of names.
    One thing I doing now is running PPC to split test the long copy vs. short video copy.

    From that I’m tweaking it against the control to make sure when it launches I’m doing justice to everybody involved.

    Because the same way the JV’s are committing to me I need to be able to follow through on my side with not only having a great product but high conv’s rates.

    This may mean I have to wait a few weeks before I can announce my project but with a little testing it can mean a HUGE difference in sales.

    Or if you don’t have the product ready just use PPC and send traffic to your sales page and just track how many people make it to my order page.

    Even though they can’t order anything you will be able get a idea of what versions of your copy gets the most clicks.

    Looking For An Affiliate Program That Really Converts...<br /><br />http://onlineaffiliatecoaching.com/affiliate.htm

  2. #2
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    Re: Why should a product be unproven?

    I could not agree more with you Charles. Testing your sales copy is very important and your affiliates will appreciate a higher converting copy. I test my copy with Google Website Optimizer, its really a great tool.

    Many people have Google Adwords accounts, but what they don’t know is that with every Google Adwords account, you get a free tool called Google Website Optimizer.

    If you have used Adwords before, you already know you can have multiple ads within the same campaign, and then have Google rotate the ads to see which one performs better. This allows the user to see which ad is converting at a higher rate. The user can then delete the ad that did not perform well and create a new ad in an attempt to beat the
    current top-performing ad.

    The user can do this 10, 20, or even 100 times until they believe they have the best ad possible.

    Google Website Optimizer does something very similar, but instead of with text or image ads, it tests your whole website.

    For example, you can test different headlines on your website, maybe change some bullet points, maybe you want to change an image, or set your website optimizer to show different variations of all three.

    This allows you to see which combination of the different variations you are running performs the best.

    This is a great tool and its free, so test your sales copy, you may just double your sales with a few tweaks here and there.

  3. #3
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Why should a product be unproven?

    Great tips guys, thanks.

  4. #4
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Why should a product be unproven?

    Split Analyzer is also another great product to test out different parts of your website, but you can't beat that Google Website Optimizer is free. I intend on giving that one a try in the future when I have time to learn it.

    I also like using Google AdWords to help me pick a niche that has great potential. I put up several possible topics into different ad groups and pointed them to a survey pages customized for each niche - offering a free copy of the product in return for completing the survey. I asked what their biggest question was on the niche and how hard it was for them to find the answers to their questions. The niche with the largest conversion rate (most survey's completed) at the lowest cost, with the highest traffic rating and the highest number of people saying it was "extremely difficult" to find answers to their questions becomes your market. Then you simply answer the questions to create the product. Sending survey respondents a free copy allows you to get testimonials for your sales copy. And then you already have a Google AdWords campaign that you know drives traffic to test your sales letter before launching your product with JV partners. AdWords can help bring some great results. I learned this method from Glenn Livingston and have found it to work extremely well.

  5. #5
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Why should a product be unproven?

    Great tips. Also, as the best copywriters attest, don't waste time changing the body text. Change only the headlines since that has a much greater affect on sales.

    All the Best!<br /><br />Ed Brancheau<br />Search Engine Optimization &amp; Marketing Specialist / Web Site Designer<br /><br />http://www.aceseowebdesign.com<br />Local San Diego Calls &amp; Faxes: (858) 216-4042<br />Toll-Free Calls &amp; Faxes: (800) 216-2399

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