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Thread: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

  1. #221
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hello from Japan!

    I heard about JVNotifyPro over on the Warrior Forum, so I thought it was about time I came 'round . I've produced and sold dozens of info products over the past few years - but usually promote them on my own. Thought it was about time to JV with my latest IM offering - so I'm here to network!


    James B. Allen

  2. #222
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    James, welcome! ... Sam, welcome ... again! ... Jenni, welcome ... back! LOL



  3. #223
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hi Mike & others too.

    Like James, I also followed you through Warrior Forum (look for my handle : Yuzairy)

    I am most frequent at John's (Delavera) forum and moderately active at Warrior's.

    I am coming up with a software at http://videopostrobot.com and it's already in final beta version.

    Hope that I can leverage on JVNotifyPro partners to launch the product.

    Okay, till we meet again.

  4. #224
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Welcome to JV Notify Pro, Yuzairy.

    As I've said many times before ... always happy to welcome fellow Warrior members interested in JV Marketing to JVNP.

    Looking forward to reading more from you.



  5. #225
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hi there! I must say that I am THRILLED to have been invited to this site. I have been searching for a site like this for six months.
    I believe that community creates and that the mastermind group is the most powerful force on Earth.

    As far as my story, if you would like to know who I am and how I came to what I do, keep reading, (But dont' say I didn't warn you)

    Back in 1998, I was browsing at a garage sale when I came across software for $1.00. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that it was "streaming video for the web. The light bulb over my head went ON. Internet Television.
    But... technology wasn't ready. And so, I shelved the idea, with a complete and comprehensive business plan, and six shows in production. About a year later, I decided to use my business plan to create a book about creating, producing and profiting from Internet Television.
    Again, however, the technology to deliver the videos wasn't there yet. And so the book was shelved too.

    For the next 8 years, I worked as a real estate investor in Florida. I made good money, but in 2006, the real estate market tanked, I had a brand new baby at home, and I was looking for a new opportunity.
    I kept getting emails about the World Internet Summit in Las Vegas that September. Having purchased scores of information products related to various facets of real estate investing, and having also promoted and sold my very own real estate coaching program through ebay, I knew that information and Internet Marketing was something profitable that I did enjoy. So I decided to head out to Vegas.
    While I was out there, I had the opportunity to meet and speak with some of the brightest Internet Marketing minds like Tom Hua, Brett McFall, Matt Bacak and more... when I told Tom Hua that I wanted to market How To Products on Making Money With Internet Video Telelvision, he told me that he thought I was sitting on a gold mine.
    I came home from Vegas, recreated an entirely new business plan, had some websites designed, and began looking for JV partners which brought me here.

    Our business plan is quite simple.. we have a video site just like youtube, and we have created our channels on a "State" list of the US to open our advertising to smaller local and mom and pop businesses. This site will also link to our information products teaching people how to create television and use sites like ours to broadcast it.
    This site will also hold CONTESTS for writers and directors to help promote itself. And we will have a specific channel for 'auditions.'

    Our second site, www.tvnetresource.com is a FREE resource site for people to browse and read articles about this new industry and how they can help to create it.
    This site is also a great forum for our JV partners to place thier products on.. such as "How to Use Affilliate Marketing to Promote and Profit from Your Internet TV show..." and such.
    We will be asking our JV partners to assist us in creating new products by interviewing them about their specialties and using those interviews to create new products, and we will in turn, do the same for them, so that they can continue to create new products.

    Our third site, is an auction site. Still under construction right now, but should be ready shortly, where we will sell advertising and entertainment opportunities.... (here we create a new product as well, How To Sell Your Advertising Opportunities With Very Little Effort for the Most Money In the Least Amount of Time)... see where we're going with this?

    So that's us.. Michael Santerre, my partner, and me, Vanessa Blais. It is a pleasure to meet all of you and I hope we can all form great long lasting relationships that will project us to our goals! (psst.. mine is to build up the video site, sell it for a bundle and retire to an island in the Caribbean... what's yours?)

    Thanks for taking the time to read about us... we will be posting often.

  6. #226
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    .... and we're thrilled to have you, Vanessa.

    Looking forward to reading your contributions, my dear.



  7. #227
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hey Guys and Gals!

    I don't normally join forums and that type of thing as I find that can consume huge amounts to time that distract me from getting on with the job at hand. But my good friend Frank Garon told me I had to join this one... so here I am!

    So, a bit about me.

    I am (was) a child psychiatrist (MD). But after 20 years in it (first in UK, then Canada, then UK again), I decided it was time to do something different.

    In 2000 I had written a book, The GOOD CHILD Guide which got good reviews but made me almost no money - that is the trouble with conventional publishing, you only get 10% of a tiny amount.

    After it went out of print, it sat on my shelf for a year or two. But then, in 2005, having spent a couple of years learning about marketing and the internet (funny, they don't teach that in med school), I though, hey, why don't I make my book into an ebook and sell it online?

    So I did. I converted it into pdf, jacked up the price, and switched on the Google adwords - coincidentally on the same day that I first met Frank at his first UK conference.

    The rest, as they say, is history.

    Well, not quite. The ebook is selling well, and has enabled me to go full time online and move to beautiful BC, where I spent this winter skiing. But it is not quite there yet - I still need to ramp it up a bit (a lot), which I plan to do by going into hard copy (as a manual, not a book - higher perceived value), and offline direct mail.

    My goal is to get it into schools across North America - first as an endorsement by the school to parents of elementary kids and then... wait for it... to get it into the personal and social development curriculum for grade 10 students. Well why not? Parenting is an essential skill that everyone needs to learn and my book teaches it in a very easy and humorous way. (well, it's true)

    During the process, I developed for myself the Unique Article Wizard -which submits a different unique article to over 700 article directories. (yep, wrote it myself in php - just one of the things I learned in the last year) Having used it for my book, and for my adsense sites, I have now launched it to the public as a membership site.

    So now I have three problems:

    1. I get about 1000 opt in subscribers a week to my parenting newsletter - but I need more quality products to sell them - especially some big ticket items. ( I lost a bunch of subscribers when I switched servers, so my list is currently only 80,000)

    2. I need some affiliates to promote the Unique Article Wizard, but,

    3. The membership software I use for the Wizard is amember, which seems to provide for only one tier affiliate payouts. They say they are working on a 2-tier upgrade but I haven't seen any sign of it. Any suggestions on this?

    4. Oh, yes, if anyone has any contacts to help get my book into schools I would LOVE to talk with you!

    So, Frank said to come here for some answers (he says I need to go to some seminars to meet people too - so that is on the agenda for this year)! And if I have any answers for other people, I would be glad to give them.

    Oh, the personal stuff - male, 48, into skiing, whitewater kayaking, and I just love it in BC.

    Look forward to meeting and sharing ideas with this group!

    The Unique Article Wizard - submit a different unique article to over 700 article directories.<br />Http://www.UniqueArticleWizard<br />40% recurring affiliate commission

  8. #228
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hey there.

    I'm Sid, and I've been marketing online for 8 years now. I started with selling random stuff I owned on eBay, and soon enough started buying things to specifically re-sell.

    Within a year and a half, I was making more than I was at my full-time job. By 2001, I quit my job in the world of filmmaking.

    By 2003, I finally got into creating and selling my own information products in a variety of niches.

    I've never done a JV sale, and I came here to find potential partners for a product launch coming up in two months.

    I'm looking forward to learning some things and making new friends.


  9. #229
    Join Date
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Noel, Sid ... welcome to JV Notify Pro.

    I look forward to reading more from you.



  10. #230
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    My name is Rob Toth. I'm from downtown Vancouver, British Columbia. I saw a couple of other "locals" on here too. In fact, Alice Seba, Rosalind Gardner and the late Corey Rudl are all from this area too... so we're serious here in B.C.!

    I've been "full time" with marketing since age 23 (Feb 2004 approximately).

    My educational background was in computer science and programming but I moved away from that as I didn't want to be in a cubicle pecking away at a keyboard all day ... so here I am building an online business, pecking away at a keyboard all day in my home-based cubicle. But I'm having fun.

    Some of my projects include:
    ;D "Dear Employee, Your Job Sucks" (international reader's choice contest winner) --- www.DearEmployee.com

    ;D "Freelancing: The Real Work At Home Job Opportunity" --- www.DearEmployee.com

    ;D "The Worst Things About Network Marketing Are the Network Marketers" --- www.WorstThingsAboutNetworkMarketing.com

    ;D "Ridiculous Income Goals" --- www.RidiculousIncomeGoals.com

    ;D "Buy Now! How to Get Customers Ordering So Fast Your Bank Account May End Up With a Speeding Ticket" --- www.BuyNowReport.com

    ;D Buy Now Wizard (sales conversion software ... attention grabbers, exit windows, OTO, limited time, limited quantity, firesale, etc) --- www.BuyNowWizard.com

    Other projects have been affiliate marketing focused.

    I'm more than open to giving any other professional, ethical and driven marketer a "virtual handshake" to see if we can create WIN-WIN-WIN partnerships either now or in the near future so, by all means, please say hi (either as a PM using this forum or use my contact info at support.27AM.com )

    With appreciation,

    Rob Toth
    27AM Network, Inc .

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