Re: Are your promotional campaigns all they could be? ... JV wise?
Hey Jenni,
For Business Sexcess we use iDevAffiliate v4.0 ... I've used others, but this is the most recent one and one that I would recommend. It's really simple to use once it is installed (advice: pay them to install it if you do go with this) and the tracking is flawless because it uses IP addresses.
I'm in the process of developing my own affiliate software (for personal use), but I'm modeling it a lot after this one because it's reliable more than anything.
As for mistakes costing you a potential future JV ... don't worry about it. We all make mistakes and learn from them. Once you get everything running well and have everything under control, even though that JV didn't go so well, they may still want to do another JV. Who knows ... but my philosophy about business is don't worry about the things that are out of your control. Just find what you need to improve on and improve on it.
Hope this helps,
P.S. If you want to see what iDevAffiliate is like you can sign up for my affiliate program and browse around. Or visit Talk to you soon.
Re: Are your promotional campaigns all they could be? ... JV wise?
Hi Mike and all fellow JV Notifyer's...
Even though I've been making an honest living online
very quietly for over 6 years, I've had my share of
By the way... our faliures, when used as a learning
tool, make us more successful in the future.
Anywho...Just recently I spent quite a bit of time on
product development(BIG mistake) without really
looking at my market to see if it was truly a needed
Jeez, you'd think after years of doing this as a "pro"
I'd have this figured out...LOL
After testing to my own list, it seemed as though I
had yet another hit.
Boy was I WRONG!
I set up quite a few JV's with some of my past
friends, we did a "semi" large launch and to my
and my JV partners surprise, we couldn't push
more than 12 copies of this "new" product.
I felt 2 inches high. Here these credible, good
friends of mine their butts on the line and all
they got was a BIG dud.
So I guess what I'm getting at is this...
"Never Try To Fit A Product To A Market. Fit
The Market To The Product!"