My name is Bruce Cannon and I am the owner of several ecommerce web properties and have joined here to learn more about Affilliate Marketing and digital offer promotions. My strengths lie the abilty to quickly create HTML5 webistes, traffic gerneration and list building. Over the years I have invested many dollars in these offers, many of which have helped to grow my business. It is now that I have decided to market and promote these products and help others as well as help myself. I look forward to learning and working with you all.
My name is Cesar Perez and I have been lured into the dream of running a successful IM business since 2010. I have learned much over the past three years but I just haven't had the breakthrough of success yet. I have started a few unsuccessful websites and I probably purchased every shiny new object I could afford. I now have one website I have been working on for the last 6 months. I have learned that since there are over 100+ variations of making money online, I have to be more patient and focused on 1 way at a time. Recently, I have been learning to build my list and I'm trying to stay focused on that. I like to be helpful when I can so if I can add some helpful info to someone I will. I also believe in the Win/Win for all. God Bless All.
Last edited by Cesar Perez; 08-08-2013 at 10:18 PM.