Janet and Chris Attwood - The Hidden Riches in Ritual - JV Invite
Launch Day: Monday, May 20th 2013

"A Warning from the Ancients" is the opening of The Hidden Riches in Ritual free video miniseries that opens this launch. Representatives of ancient cultures in North and South America, Australia and New Zealand, India and Nepal, have all issued warnings that the Western world must change the way we are living or we will destroy ourselves and our planet.

It is time to consciously incorporate one of the oldest traditions on earth, ritual, into our daily lives in more meaningful ways. Your members will love this high quality content that demonstrates the difference between habit and ritual, teaches them some simple rituals to incorporate into their busy lives without taking up more time, and invites them to dive deep into the world of ritual with 40-year ritual practitioners Janet and Chris Attwood.

During this launch, your members will learn how powerful ritual is in creating the outcomes they want in life, whether it's finding their mate or generating more income or getting rid of unwanted flab. And it won't require time out of their day, they don't have to go away to a cave or twist their body into a pretzel.

If you have a list that is health conscious, spiritual or predominantly women, they will love this launch series and you'll love the launch commissions we send you.

The Hidden Riches in Ritual study course is $397 for four courses, Ritual Foundations, Rituals for Relationships, for Health and for Wealth.

50%+ optin rate in testing

2.5% conversion rate on the sales page

50% commissions to affiliates + great prizes for our top 10 affiliates.

100% commissions on the post-launch package offer to all affiliates who mail for all three videos - Video 1 goes live on May 20, Video 2 goes live on May 23, Video 3 goes live on May 27.

Check out the full description of this launch at the link below and then let's make a difference in the world together!

Janet and Chris Attwood - The Hidden Riches in Ritual - JV Invite