I'm launching a physical product ($597) in a different niche than internet marketing in about 40 days.
I'm concerned that the list of potential JV's that I've found and will be contacting won't understand the JV process and how it will benefit them as well as me. I feel like I'm going to really have to over teach the Jeff Walker product launch process to my potential JV's as they aren't familiar with the concept.
In focusing on "What's In It For Me" for the Jv's I'm going to be:
1. having a JV contest with prizes
2. paying 50% commission or better
3. giving them the course for review (manuals/dvd's/cd's)
4. promoting their products to the list created from this launch
5. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I want to teach them the launch process so they can use it in their future launches to get more people into their product funnel
I'm going to try and give the JV partner as much value as possible.
What else should I be doing to really get the potential partners interested?
The product is a quality product and I deliver great content, in some cases I'm concerned it's better than some of my potential partners product.