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Thread: New Kid on the block

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    New Kid on the block

    Hello to all

    I have been lurking here for some time now and thought I would jump in. I would like to know the best way to solicit for help? I have a killer domain name and would like to get a bit of help in developing a product for this name. This may sound a bit strange but I thought I would throw it out there and see if any of you more experienced marketers might have a few ideas. With all the attention being given to new launches this domain is sure to have potential. I have the web site up and have designed a ecover box. I have spent the last 2 months trying to come up with a product without much luck. If any of you would have any ideas for a product or would like to partner up I would consider some type of partnership for the right Product. The site is http://www.launchblaster.com Please give it a look and let me know what you think. Thanks

    Michael Reinhart

  2. #2
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    Re: New Kid on the block

    Hey Michael,

    This is just my opinion (i.e you may think it stinks) but I've found in the past it's better to come up with the core project ideas and then find a name that fits rather than trying to build a product around a certain name.

    Is there anything you have experience with regarding launches that you could write an ebook about?

    Perhaps you could ask product launch experts to be interviewed and create an info product with the 'experts' spilling their secrets about how they acomplished their six figure launches etc

    You could follow the big launches, disect their methods, and then create a product based around a 'checklist' of things to do that will help 'blast your launch into the stratosphere', just like Expert A, B and C...

    Hopefully there are a couple of ideas to help you get started.

    All the best,


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  3. #3
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: New Kid on the block

    Thanks Richard

    Great advice! I have been leaning in the direction of a e book.

  4. #4
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: New Kid on the block

    I have to agree with Richard...you've put the cart before the horse.

    It would be difficult for me to choose a domain name, and then try to fit a product around it. While the domain name may be great, I often spend quite a bit of time researching any ideas I have to see what may or may not be a successful idea...once I have a handful of ideas that I think may be successful, I try to narrow it down to the one that offers the best risk->reward.

    In this case, I'd probably sit down and come up with every possible idea I could, and see if you can offer something to the market that isn't already out there. Richard's idea is a good one...but I'd try to come up with more, and then do a comparison of each idea until I narrowed down which one offered the best possible potential outcome.

    Don't limit yourself to an ebook...consider trying for audio interviews or video interviews, as this increases the value of your offer. The key factor here would be getting the experts to agree...once you do that, I think you'd have a great product to offer in the end.



  5. #5
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: New Kid on the block

    As far as domain names go as long as it is top level domain you could use about anything if you have great copy and a great products and great JV on your side.

    Domain names are dime a dozen.

    Unless you have $$$ to buy business.com or something make the domain name a secondary item.

    Given enough link juice you can make anything rank well.

    Get a dozen product ideas and do a survey on survey monkey to see if the idea is a go.

    Weed out the no-go and take a good look at the go ideas. Now which one these ideas will give you the best return for your time.

    Once you narrow it down to one just run with it and get it done.
    Like the nike ads “Just Do It XXX Now.

    Charles Kirkland
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