Political Insight - Political Insight Classroom - JV Invite
Launch Day: Thursday, March 1st 2012

Our official JV invite is available at Political Insight - Political Insight Classroom.

Since the 2010 election cycle, our team spent a ton of time evaluating how in the world we can take our political strategy knowledge and provide it to local candidates. To be honest, our firm charges thousands of dollars per month in consulting fees per campaign, and it didn't take long to learn that this simply wasn't feasible for local elections (though it works well with Statewide and Congressional races that we run).

Our solution was that we spent that last 7 months developing what we call PoliticalInsightClassroom.com, which is a full service on-demand classroom for local candidates to get not only the software they need for their campaigns, but also a step by step training course of what to do and what not to do. It is the only one of its kind available, and we are just launching this with campaign schools as an "add-on" to what they cannot provide during their weekend courses (as well as a few savvy JV's).

We did not build this for the guy running for Congress, but rather for the average person running for city, county or state rep races. You may know these folks, and I sincerely think we've produced something that is invaluable.

We introduce candidates to what we offer through a free webinar called "Web Strategies for Any Size Campaign", which we run multiple times throughout the week. Its free and we unload tons of strategy that we unpackage for the candidate.

In addition, we offer access to our classroom (as well as software, their website, social media packages, etc) so they can get everything off the shelf if they want. And they can do it for much less than the price of a website alone.

Take a look here: Political Insight - Political Insight Classroom

Finally, I wanted to invite you to look at our JV opportunity (you're literally the first one I've sent this to). The entire webinar is at the bottom of the page so that you can see what we provide. And if you want, we would love to talk to you about possibly partnering with us to get the word out as well as get a good chunk of revenue in your pocket.

Political Insight - Political Insight Classroom - JV Invite