John Gavalik + Ron Gavalik - Emotobook Revolution - JV Invite
Launch Day: Sunday, April 1st 2012

Are you a supporter of Grit City Publications and our Community? How would you like to contribute to our emotobooks Revolution in a vital and special way that will shape the future of fiction in our society? We’re seeking a few good Affiliate Marketing Pros.

Amazon is the largest online retailer and the main sales venue for emotobooks. Cafe Press is the most powerful retailer for our custom-made EmotoSwag. One way these companies maintain their lead positions is to offer sales opportunities to those who use blogs, message boards, and social media as marketing venues.

That’s all fine and good, but GCP takes it one step further. Emotobook Affiliates don’t just sell things, they become part of our larger Community and have the opportunity to earn much more.

Emotobooks are the next big thing coming for tablets. Don't miss out on the chance to get a piece of the pie.

Ron has been a writer for well over 10 years.* He has a BS Degree in journalism and a Master Degree in popular fiction.* John has been an online marketer for 6 years and has been in the game for awhile.* These two brothers are bringing something huge to life.

John Gavalik + Ron Gavalik - Emotobook Revolution - JV Invite