Hey Nathan, I can't boast of practical success stories but my mentor and those people that I have listened to or read their comments discuss the use of the offer of a free special report and then start to get them out to contacts. So you may want to consider that and use autoresponders and webforms.
All the best for 2012!
We all know about the free gifts and autoresponder service to build a list...
The second best way to build a quality list is to find reliable swap partners or solo ad sellers with quality lists. It's hard to find these, but before you agree to swap or buy a solo you should ask questions and check out their stats/free gift/squeeze page etc.
The best way to build a quality, responsive list is through launches and selling products or services, where you build a "buyers list". This will be your most valuable asset over time. Then it will be a lot easier to test conversion on new products and find potential partners to JV with. Which will grow your list even faster every time.
Don't think too lightly about this though. It takes time...
Steve Yakim here, Master List Builder. There are several things you can do to build a list...
But first you need to prepare a few things...
You need to write or use a plr Forex report that you can give away. You also need to write a 7-Day eCourse on Forex training or tips. The report should promote your product and your ecourse. The second page of your report should tell the reader about your eCourse and have a link to the eCourse Squeeze page. The Report itself should give good information but also promote your product.
The eCourse will give the reader 7 full days of follow up contact with your new list members giving good tips and promoting your product.
In return the eCourse should also cross promote the report. This allows you to get the subscriber onto another list so you can do a more long range of contact with the subscriber possibly even twice a month for a full year. That's only 26 follow up emails giving additional information and tips.
1. First I would add optin forms to every page of your website that gives these two items away.
I would add a form into your sales letter that visitors can fill out and not leave your sales letter. I call this Voo Doo list building. People are more apt to sign up for your report if it is a natural part of sales process. Here is an example...
About 1/4 of the way down the sales letter is a form for a free report. I use an Iframe to hold the web form that people have to fill out. When the form is filled and submitted, the form is replaced by a message that tells the prospect that they shoule continue what they were doing because it will take 5 to 10 minutes for the report to reach their email inbox.
So the form and the redirect are each on different webpages that fill the 375 x275 pixel iframe. Here is a copy of the iframe code I used on the example sales letter...
You can substitute the link to the page that has you web form and adjust the width and height so both the web form page and page with the short message fit in the iframe. You can test the form on the example sales letter to see how it works. You can easily unsubscribe from the list.
You should also notice on the sales letter a peel add in the top right corner. I use this to give away a 7-Day eCourse and it has a method of bringing people back to the sales letter. This doubles my chances of getting a subscriber from my sales letter with out things poping up and annoying people and give me some really good results.
Another method is to use your report squeeze page or eCourse squeeze page to join giveaways. There are 10 to 20 different giveaways going every month. The list you will receive from the giveaway will be secondary. You should take the time to get the contact information of all the jv partners who have entered a gift in the giveaway. All these people have some kind of list and you can now contact them individually to do a joint venture with you.
They may not be interested in Forex but they may have list members with a Forex interest or want to receive more information about Forex. Now you are beginning to build a Joint venture partner list, which can be more valuable than a buyer list. You can get a list of all the giveaways at...
Another good way to build a list is to contact 3 to 7 of your compeditors and ask them if they would like to build their list. Each person in this joint venture will donate a product for the contest that only 1 or 2 people will win. You list all the prizes on a sales letter and add the autoresponder form code to the page. You will need to get a small script made for around $25 that would add the new subscriber's information to all of your partner's lists at the same time the form is being filled and submitted.
There used to be a script called Email Buddy Pro that might still be available. If not, contact me and I think I have one that may work for you.
All the partners mail to their lists telling their list members about the contest and when the winner drawing will be. Everyone should be able to add many new list members to their lists. I did this a couple of times and got over 22,000 new list members in one month. (Note: this was not in the forex niche but should work in any niche.)
Another method would be to place small online classified ads for $5 at fiverr.com and use the the key words... Classified ads ... and you can find people to place your ad on as many as 1,500 classified ads sites for only $5. This can bring people interested in Forex to subscribe to get your free information, which advertises your paid products.
Heck, you can contact your compitition and ask them if they would add your free report as a bonus to their products. It could even be an unadvertised bonus on their download page. This could be a reciprical joint venture and you add their free report to your download page. Make sure it is branded with your affiliate links.
You just have to use your imagination. I haven't even began to touch on the many different ways you can build your list, with some including articles, blogs, facebook, twitter and many more advanced list building methods.
I have built my list to over 100,000 opt-in subscribers because I follow my #1 Rule...
Everything I do online MUST in some way build my list.
Thank you very much for sharing your idea! I am really lost on how and where to start on building my list and you are the answer to my very confused mind! ;
Your thoughts will be of really good help to me. Mind If I send you some questions in the future if I am lost again?
Hey you can also try JVZoo.com (I am not affiliated) to build a list by creating a report for $5-$10 and give most of the profit to the promoters while you get the buyers on your list. They integrate the emails over there.
I use a free video or free webinar about a the topic my prospects are interested for and let them optin before they can view the video. On the success page I placed the video that they can watch and below the video I have a contest created. They now need to place a comment in the box below the video and ask them to like or share to create a viral process.