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Thread: Primacy Effect - A Strategy That Attract Sales or A Problem That Repels Sales

  1. #1
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Oct 2011
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    Thumbs up Primacy Effect - A Strategy That Attract Sales or A Problem That Repels Sales

    You found a launch product and decides that you want to promote it.

    So how can you massively improve conversion rate on the sales date itself?

    This technique is very powerful.

    I know a few partners who specially use this technique and outsell all the other affiliates by 5 times!

    What best is that these affiliates didn't even offer special bonuses when promoting.

    This powerful strategy uses a psychological event called the "Primacy Effect" and it's called Priming.

    Priming is a process where you control the first impression your customers have of someone and in our scenario, the merchant.

    For example, if you are promoting my coming launch UnfairMoneySystem, your job is to control the first impression your customers will have of me.

    If you give a very powerful first impression, your customers will click on your affiliate link and read/watch the sales copy of the merchant.

    They will trust, believe and have rapport with your merchant.

    Example of a powerful priming phrase can be:
    "Michael King is a No-B.S. Marketing Strategist who specialize in helping new Internet Marketers make their first hundred grand online in 30 days"

    It is short, simple and focus on what Michael King does.

    As a general rule, the first sentence you say about your merchant is the most powerful and important.

    Many affiliates like to do the following:

    "Is (merchant name) a Scam?"

    That phrase implicitly primed their prospects and customers that the merchant they are promoting is a scam.

    That is the first word that was used to associate with their merchant.

    It automatically destroys trust and credibility their customers will have of the merchant.

    We humans always see what we want to see.

    If they were primed to believe that your merchant is a scam artist, they will sub-consciously look for signs to prove that he or she is a scam artist.

    Likewise, if they were primed to believe that your merchant can help them, they will sub-consciously look for signs to prove that your merchant can help them.

    Reason why this is so powerful:

    As you know, consumers are very skeptical. The 3 seconds you use to prime your customers is the only time when your customers are NOT skeptical and will believe everything you say.


    Our human brain is wired to need to have answers and not have gap in our minds.

    When we first meet a person, we do not know anything about them.

    We will judge based on how the person behaves, looks and attitude.

    It is important for us as our brain needs to fill in gaps quickly.

    If you don't control the way you prime your customers, they will fill in the gaps in their minds themselves by judging on how the merchant's website looks.

    Before they fill in the gaps themselves, you do it for them by priming them.

    There will be no skepticism and it will be very powerful.

    If you are interested in promoting my latest money making system, the Unfair Money System, look at my signature for the link!

    Michael King
    Promote a product that achieve the impossible - helping our customers make over $200,000.00 in 30 days http://www.UnfairMoneySystem.com/partners

  2. #2
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
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    Michael, I studied psychology and business (a natural progression into marketing!) and you are absolutely correct about the power of first impressions. The emphasis we humans put on first impressions and associations originates as a species defense mechanism.

    We as marketers can use this same "priming" concept to plant an association in our visitor's head. Of course as marketers we want to plant a positive association; that first sentence you communicate with your visitor should have that positive association somewhere in it...as you point out.

    Of course you must not just make the association and that's it...you must incubate it and remind the visitor of it throughout your sales process!

    Nice share buddy, it's a powerful concept!

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