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Thread: Non-IM niche easy money

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  1. #1
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Non-IM niche easy money

    This isn't written in stone... it's not gospel... it's not "the way things are"...

    It's just my experience based on the 7 years, (first few were floundering accomplishing nothing), a mil in online sales and now 93 clients (many of them in niches other than IM)...

    The IM market has proven the lowest conversion for opt-ins, lowest conversion for ACTIVE affiliate recruitment (you can sign up affiliates easily as there are hoardes of them, but they quickly get distracted so getting them to active status where they are actually promoting is a much more finessed process), and lowest sales conversions.

    I posted my take on this in my recent "I Quit" report (direct/free download at www.IQuitIM.com if interested) ... but it would be good to hear from other marketers who are selling in industries other than IM.

    What niche are you in (if you don't mind sharing)?
    How many years in the niche?
    Did you ever also sell in IM and how did that pan out?

  2. #2
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    Rob, just downloaded your report and will peruse when I get a few moments. It's funny because just a month or so ago I re-visited my business plan through the end of 2012 and one of major changes I made was putting a much greater emphasis on establishing myself in various non-IM niches.

    I'm not sure exactly what you have in your report, but in my opinion, the IM info product world is very lucrative but the business model itself is much more messy and less stable than other niches. There is a lot of competition and a lot of coming and going, things change very fast. My goal is to establish a presence in 5 other non-IM related niches by the end of mid 2012. Though I don't anticipate BIG money right away, I think it's a great way to diversify my income and I believe it should be more sustainable and reliable.

    Not sure what is meant by "quitting" (I suppose I will find out in the report) but best of luck on your future personal and professional endeavors!

    After I read the report, perhaps I will come back and comment more!

  3. #3
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    I would like to give my 2 cents on this.. I have been affiliate marketing in other niches for nearly 8 years.. mostly software and physical products. I get from a 6% - 18% conversion rate on these types of products with a refund rate only about 2%.

    Then I started to jump in on the IM products and averaged about a 2% conversion on sales with nearly a 30% - 50% refund rate! Lately the IM market has been horrible which is leading me to focus more of my time with other niches.

    I am glad CB is changing their policy, but I think it's too late as most people know it's too easy to buy and ask for a refund now.

    As for the niches I am working on..

    1. Health and fitness equipment (CJ.com and Amazon)
    2. Small household appliances (Amazon.com)
    3. PC Security software (CJ.com, One Network Direct)
    4. PC Utility Software (Linkshare.com)

    I also use many other affiliate networks, but these are the primary.

    Hope that helps!

    My suggestion.. jump on board with Amazon.com.. find products that cost $200+ to promote. After a while, you will be having $100+ days and the HUGE benefit is the sales last much long than just 1 - 3 weeks.. but for months.

    It's pretty easy to get up to 7% - 8% commission especially around Christmas time.

  4. #4
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    @Kenster , I guess my report probably answered the points in your post.

    @Chris, that's great numbers to hear. The larger conversions is what I've seen in niche work as well. Partly because it's not as over-saturated. In my opinion and experience, the IM niche has as many offers as it does prospects. In fact, if every perfect IM lead bought just ONE product, I still think would be products not seeing any sales.

    But also because the industry knows the "magic tricks". When a new marketing tool, technology or tactic is created, there's at least 50 people releasing "how to" reports on how it works, why it works etc. Which makes it very tough to use that same magic trick on others who just read about it.

  5. #5
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    Hey Rob. I'm just about to read through your report.

    My question is this: you've noticed bad conversions in the IM niche. I can understand this as everyone and their brother has some secret insider money making strategy to share with you, so people are probably a bit desensitized.

    But does this hold true for sub niches within the IM niche as well in your experience?

    For example, if you have ever made some SEO guide or software, some video marketing tools or a blogging strategy, do you notice smaller conversions on all of these? Or is it just the make money online with my secret methods that you notice not converting so well?

    Just curious on your 2 cents for this...
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  6. #6
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    Hi Rob

    This is quite timely for me. I've got a few sites in the health niche that need a bump to improve traffic. I've got a few new sites just adding Amazon products.

    My productivity in every area got stunted when my VA and I parted ways and another writer got flooded out so lost internet. Prior to these niche sites I've worked on product creation in the niche I came from which is Personal Development.

    Research comes very naturally to me as I've been studying my whole adult life (didnt like it much when I was young - lol) and I agree that IM is a difficult place to promote.

    Products are now getting a bad name in WSOs as they are known more and more for being very short term & too often badly supported. I also seen developers excusing their lack of promised support by saying it is normal or expected.

    I'm a coach and NLP Trainer by profession so am launching some products based on what I'm good at. Although tied in with the IM niche, they are targeting strategies and will therefore be structured differently.

    However, long term goals are to develop more Personal Development products and launch those from a different platform and compare the benefits of both.

    I feel right now that this would be a more beneficial strategy and I also read a Personal Development affiliate complaining there was not enough new material to promote so fingers crossed that will make my products attractive.

    I'm glad I found your thread, it sort of helped to 'say out loud' was I've been thinking

  7. #7
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    Hey Guys, I was talking with my friend the other day, on how the IM niche was over saturated and over done. I told him, "It's because we are in the IM niche. We created products for the niche, we have friends in the IM niche, and we watch,read, and post about the IM niche!" "However, if you step out of the 'circle' of people, interested in IM, than it will expand your opportunities."

    For example: You would need to change your demographics and social graphics target market. A friend of mine, did a 2 hour session, at my church, talking about the "basics" of Internet Marketing (I'm talking keyword research stuff, IM 101), and the audience was blown away and NEVER heard this stuff before.

    I was looking around the room, in awe, wondering how many people didn't even know, about the basics, of marketing online. Even your local business, down the street, has no clue, how to market their stuff online.

    Bottom Line: The fish are plentiful, you just need the right bait! Laid-off people need to generate income. Small Businesses need exposure. Churches need Growth. Restaurants need customers. You hold the keys (the insight) to making that happen for them, using IM.

    Just a thought,
    David D.

  8. #8
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    I guess I am on the opposite end of things than many of you here....I got started in a non-IM niche...and am now looking to sell a course in the IM niche that I created. I can tell you one thing....the people in the IM niche are VERY leary of trusting anyone. I have hateful comments on my FB page for my site...even though I've never done anything to these ppl, and I'm offering a fair amount of free content right there on FB. I understand many folks feel ripped off from some of the stuff they've bought...but wow the level of "us vs. the gurus" hatred is unbelievable!

    Secondly, it's not easy to get ppl to promote my site....my fault for thinking people established in the IM niche would promote my product just because I poured every ounce of my being into it for several months. How naive, Matt. Well anyways I am learning now and adapting/overcoming the hurdles before me...and trying to create some good will/rapport in this niche.

  9. #9
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    Hey guys (my cartoon name is Kay from VetsBills) however my creators have generated millions in sales over the years.

    This post is actually spot on. Back in 2006 to early 2012 we operated in IM market and that is where we generated all our sales from, however from about 2010 to 2012 we noticed a serious downward turn in sales and started looking at new niches.

    After experimenting with a few niches last year, we found the Pet Niche had huge potential and after 8 months of hard work we are very soon going to be launching our pet affiliate program.

    What was getting us down was that everyone suddenly became an expert in the internet marketing world and the competition went through the roof. Whether it was the right thing to do to come out of the IM market into the pet market we will find out very soon! We are pretty confident things will go well as the skills you use in any internet marketing business are pretty much the same
    Kay VetsBills "VetsBills is provided to you by a team of internet marketeers who have generated millions in sales"


  10. #10
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    I agree with all the above, there are some very lucrative niches elsewhere which are not that competitive.

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