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Thread: New To internet marketing

  1. #1
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    New To internet marketing

    Hi, Guys.

    I am currently new to jv notify and just wondering if there are any tips for getting to meet fellow JV's and Affiliates.

    I am currently launching a new forex software with 3 good upsells and of the test launch have had good results in sales and refunds.

    currently all the traffic is getting driven to my sent through good friends i have in the internet marketing business so my list is basically growing daily,but would like to get to know more JV's and affiliates for myself.

    any advice would be liked so dont hesitate to post..(good or bad )


    Nathan Loftus

  2. #2
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    I agree with Adam, the most important thing is to stay active. Reach out to potential partners and anybody else in the industry. Do your research and contact them via skype or pm or phone call. Email works, but normally not as effective.

    Your number one goal when reaching out should be to BUILD A RELATIONSHIP, NOT PROMOTE YOURSELF OR YOUR PRODUCT. There are times and opportunities where reaching out to somebody and directly asking them to promote is the right way to proceed, but for the most part, you will want to establish a relationship first.

    Always be looking to give and give. The more you give, the more it will come back in the future - I truly believe that. The more you help people, the more you will be helped, it just works that way even though it may not happen right away.

    Go to networking events and just stay active on forums, social media platforms, and any other water coolers where potential partners may be hanging out!

  3. #3
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    I'll also add in that so far it doesn't sound like you've risked even a dollar of your own to test and prove the offer.

    To me that's VERY important. The problem is anyone can claim that they've tested it... but if I have someway of knowing and believing that this person at least put $200 bucks onto facebook or $100 bucks on Bing Search or $300 into banner ads etc... it shows me they are at least investing a few dollars (and we're talking VERY low figures here) to test conversions from cold traffic and to tweak their offer BEFORE asking me to send them traffic.

    So my suggestion is if your friends sent you some sales, then that's new capital in your business account. Snowball it. Use those "free sales" to go buy advertising (since it doesn't sound like you've done that at all). Test 2-3 venues with cold traffic. Even just $100-$300 spent in each may be enough to drive a dozen sales.

    Get a feel for conversions. Have market research/survey pop-ups for that cold traffic to find out why they're not buying. Be willing to give them the product for FREE if they simply give you valuable insights on why they didn't buy.

    Use your work, your testing, your ad money spent, your conversion results, your market research results to create a better funnel BEFORE you start recruiting new affiliates.

    And this has an amazing benefit... not only will you end up with a more professional and higher converting offer, but because of it, affiliates will earn more (so they'll promote harder and more often for you) but you'll also GREATLY stand out from the crowd and be viewed as professional not another something-for-nothing hobbiest.

  4. #4
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    By the way, it's interesting how many are somewhat possesive over a digital product that they're not willing to simply give away 100 copies absolutely for free to their target leads (who visited the sales page but were about to exit) in trade for a better understanding of why they didn't buy.

    The big companies pay $50+ per survey often (seriously! not just hype like you read on many "get paid to fill out survey sites" but this seriously is a standard practice) just to find out why a product isn't selling as well as it should. Yet publishers won't release a copy of their digital product (which costs them ZERO DOLLARS) for this same valuable advice??

    Do this just ONCE and the insights you'll receive will have you convinced and sold on how effective this tactic is at letting your target market tell you precisely on why they didn't buy. It's extremely effective and literally costs you NOTHING if you have a digital product. There's no sane reason why everyone shouldn't give 100 or so copies of their product away via an exit pop from prospects who didn't buy or via autoresponder followup to 15-day old leads (not brand new leads, as you still want to attempt to sell to those guys but certainly to older leads who don't seem to buy... GIVE IT TO THEM FOR FREE in trade for vital "why aren't you buying" information).

  5. #5
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    I absolutely agree Adam. I don't think the hobbyist mentality is limited to just WF and it certainly doesn't apply to everybody there as most of the big names of IM have accounts there (many with decent activity) but the hobbyist vs business mentality is a very critical difference in mindset. Many people get into IM with the one goal of making $X per day. They want the money and have little desire to create an actual business, to establish sustainability of their efforts, and to provide value. They are blinded by the idea of earning easy money. Unfortunately most of these people never get anywhere.

    The people who gain momentum in IM are the people with the business mindset. They have business plans, they invest capital and time into growing a sustainable business. They understand the need to provide value to earn money. They most likely have a formal business registered, even if they haven't made money yet. They are more interested in working hard and doing things right than just making a quick buck.

    When I started in IM, I wrote a business plan from the very beginning and gave myself 6 months. I told myself that at the 6 month mark I would decide if I wanted to continue plugging away at it or not, but I would never quit before I hit that 6 month mark...even if it was 5 months in and I was still losing money. I registered an LLC before I even knew how to put a campaign together. It's little things like this that make a huge difference. Have a business mindset, don't just try and make a quick buck as a hobbyist.

    And Rob, you are spot on. I try and tell people all the time, it's better to let the market tell you what they want and how they want something positioned than for you to try and blindly push something onto the market. If they want a purple bird, I'll give them some sort of purple bird, I'm not going to create an orange one because I like orange better and try and force them to like orange. And to know they want a purple bird, you have to do your research and have to INCENTIVIZE them to give you their honest input. Whether it's giving your product away for free (which isn't terrible since digital product don't have variable costs) or holding a free webinar (an hour of your time) it's well worth it. Put in the extra work, approach this as a business, see what the market wants, and then deliver value!

  6. #6
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Hi Guys

    Thanks alot for the reply i found this very useful and i appreciate your answers and honesty


  7. #7
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    I guess my thoughts about the WF have now been confirmed...

    Another way of seeing it would be that the WF is a community full of "newbies" who heard they can make a lot of money online and are infected with the WSO hype, buying everything they believ might help them, but actually getting them nowhere. It's a fact they don't look at it as a business. They have no foundation or anything that looks like abusiness to backup their efforts and their "me too" products.

    Also, those who think of themselves as being valuable members (such irony...) of the WF are the most selfish marketers I've ever seen. Pretending to do one thing and when you start asking questions actually seem to be selling solo ads to their most likely crappy list, because it looks like selling solo ads is the only way to make some money for them. So they trick starters into buying solo ads that hardly ever deliver what they promise...

    Of course I'm taling about their JV section, which I find to be very close to useless. Yes, some of the warriors are pretty cool and help you up to a certain point when you chat with them on skype. But generally it's not the place for serious entreprneurs who DO keep a future perspective in mind and realize they need a solid business to survive online.

    I've been active on the WF quite a while and lately start to realize I've probably been wasting my time there. At least for what I want to do and achieve online... And I've underestimated what JVNP would mean to me.

    Thanks to all here for confirming what I've suspected for quite a while now...

    Last edited by Andre Stoelinga; 02-19-2012 at 05:45 AM.

  8. #8
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    I'm relatively new to IM as well and what I have found works the best is to run a JV contest. It adds a little sizzle to an otherwise oversaturated marketplace. Just my two cents

  9. #9
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    Studying or modelling (in NLP), people and strategies is something I like and am aware is important to succeed in just about any business, especially IM.

    I found this thread really useful as I too am a newbie to this particular forum and can already see/feel the different vibe. I am aware that there are JV's out there who are as different from each other as chalk and cheese. Some are totally supportive and friendly no matter what their success, some are just greedy people who put on a good show and some are only polite and helpful on their way up.

    Getting JV's is going to depend on the type of JV's you are attracting. Some more business oriented partners, will look at your product niche and if its a good fit for their list, they will help you and promote. So the need to develop relationships beforehand can be as much about letting people get to know who they are promoting as just getting to know your name.

    As I build my list, I will definitely take care about who I promote and who I keep an eye on. I check out the thread on the WSO sometimes and wait for the feedback before I buy myself if I don't already know the developer and the kind of person they are.

    I wish you luck with your product launch and think the idea mentioned above about investing your own capital to test the product conversions is a great idea for the type of product you are selling


  10. #10
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    hi everyone! here http://forex-game.net one simple game for trading. It will help you,i hope, as i helps me. So when u will try it ones write me your opinion about it!!

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