RAP / RAP Bank get my vote too. (as a crash course intro to RAP Bank, here's a direct download for my moneynowreport.com site ... www.moneynowgenie.com/downloadlink.htm ... scroll down on that page as that's the upsell page but the report DL link is at bottom).

Or just google around.

But Chris, are you talking about alternative MARKETPLACES (e-tailers) or alternative CART solutions?

Nanacast has it's own marketplace too for its merchants but it's a shopping cart system of course. So it's not entirely comparable to CB, PDC, RAPBank etc.

These days though, I vote RAPBank for marketplace (the instant comm aspect pulls affiliates nicely), CB if I want to recruit general/newbie affiliates since they are still trained to hang out their and look for offers, CB if I have a micro-niche offer and 1SC/Infusionsoft/Nanacast for shopping carts.

Nanacast *would* be the winner since the platform is the most impressive of the 3 but it's a gamble to see if the business really takes off or ends up folding... whereas 1SC is very well established/stable.