Hey guys!
Not sure if this is the right section of the forum to post in (Sorry, Mike!)
Just wanted to share a really cool experience with you guys...
...Just last month, a 14-Year-Old "kid" found me on WarriorForum, and asked me about product launches and stuff. At first, he didn't tell me about his age, but after I did a research to check if he was some scamming marketer, I found out ...
He didn't lie about anything, in fact, the kid was so honest, he allowed me to access his PayPal account (I refused,okay? :P) ... but he still showed me a snapshot of his Paypal and Plimus account, which equalled to OVER $50k ....
...When I asked him how he did it, he said he got addicted to Internet Marketing when he was 11, and just couldn't let go. He got into everything, CPA, did PPC using Virtual Credit Card, domains, WSO's everything, and said, the only thing that worked was setting us small websites like he learned from fellow JVNP member George Brown's Google Sniper ....
I mean, think about it. He started WITHOUT A PENNY... Mad few bucks selling crap on Digital Point Forum .... used that money to launch a WSO, and now, he runs a successfull 4 figure business running wesites
Sounds like a proper salescopy written by some expert copywriter, or a movie story right? But it's not!
Even though he didn't make any money for his first 2-3 years, he was still determined. I am too busy with work right now, but I will really want to work with this guy, man!
What I wanted to share is, there's no limit to anything. Age, gender, class or whatever. Such stories shouldn't be ignored, or feel jealous about, just get motivated!
I know many of you guys are going to argue about his studies, his this and that .... But, please don't ... Keep it inside you, and just keep it!
FACT: It's not me, but this kid is on JVNP too! Good luck!