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Thread: I'm New Here. Hi!

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
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    I'm New Here. Hi!

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Michelle Nightengale and I'm new here. I look forward to getting to know people here and building relationships.

    I've noticed that almost all of the threads and posts are in the general discussion area while there are very few in the niche areas.

    I'm the CEO of the International Association of Health & Wellness Professionals. My focus is on IM, but for health and wellness professionals (chiropractors, nutritionists, fitness/personal trainers, massage therapists, etc.) trying to grow their practices. (It's NOT for John Q. Public just selling health/wellness products.)

    You can see my site at http://www.IAHWP.org and the membership benefits at http://www.IAHWP.org/membership We're in pre-launch now and will launch in the fall, probably in Sept.

    I would love to connect with others targeting this market, but in my brief scan so far, I'm not finding anyone. If you serve these professionals or know of someone who does, I'd love to connect!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    My Thumbs Up
    So glad to have you here, Michelle.

    We have announced the occasional self help, health + wellness, real estate, forex, and other non-IM niche JV offers, but we're just beginning to branch out into other popular niches as separate categories on their own , and would be indebted to you if you could help us get the ball rolling with forum content, articles or anything else you'd have the time to contribute. Please let me know.



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