Hello JV Notify Crew,
As the name implies, a sales letter's primary purpose is to accomplish a sale, when a potential customer visits the landing page, designated as the sales letter. Thus, my question is this, What is the best way to trigger a sale on a sales letter? I've listed some methods below, that I feel, in my own opinion all add up to trigger a sale, but I need suggestions and inputs, based on your experience as either a buyer/seller of IM products. What in your own opinion, on a sales letter, triggers that urge in you to click on the "Buy Now", "Add To Cart" or "Pay Now" button and type in your credit card details.
1) A Sales Letter, with a Rags to Riches Headline: "Former Wal-Mart Janitor Accidently, Stumbles On A Loophole....blah blah blah

2) A Sales Letter With An Under-dog approach: "Just Fifteen (15) Years Old, but Rakes In Six Figures, blah blah blah
3) A Sales letter with a narrative video, all in plain text or text and animation
4) A sales letter, with a video, showing the creator of the IM product talking live.
5) A sales letter with "Proof of Income(s)"
6) A Sales Letter with plain text testimonials, with or without pictures of testimonial givers.
7) A sales letter with video testimonials of actual buyers of the product.
8) A sales letter, with Payment buttons with "Money Back Guarantee", "VeriSign Secured", "Hacker Safe"

"Tested Against Fraud"

(Internet Marketers are damn good and creative )
9) A sales letter with Video(s) of the IM Product creator, living the red carpet lifestyle and popping Moet/Dom Perignon
These are the few I can remember, "The Proof Of Income" kind of made me flash my credit card back then when I first started out as a green horn in the IM world
So, please, what is the best way to trigger a sale, that will work like magic and the customer will be more than happy to type in those credit card numbers.
Thanks for your suggestions and opinions.