very well written !! great advise
very well written !! great advise
Hi Fabian!
Thank you for this post. I am just a newbie in this platform and trying to explore. Thank you for this great post. Just to mentioned, I run a pre-launched test with ClickBank and now I am looking for potential JV partners here to help me OFFICIALLY launch my product. I hope that you can also help me on this journey.
Looking forward to see more great articles from you.
All the best,
jeng cua
Your Breakthrough Guide To Design Your Future!
Jeng Cua
Some great points are made here.
I'd like to add a little more to help those who are series about their launch.
If you truly want to establish your foot print in your industry and make impact before even selling, it's important to take some time and think about your competition - do a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) about your competition and use it to your advantage by offering more value than your competition in some way, securing your competitive edge.
You're probably wondering, why are we talking about the competition when this post is about a prelaunch?
The reason we do that is, if your business uses a website for its prelaunch, putting up an aesthetically pleasing landing page will help, but not if its just for the heck of design. You need to address important issues about your target market through your products/services to ensure your target market / audience understand where you can benefit them. This is where your SWOT Analysis about your competition comes into play!
Don't be scared to expose their weaknesses in your prelaunch! Your audience will always want more value from their supplier (your competition) and if you give them good reason, they'll make the change. You just need to sell it right, and a prelaunchis a great way to build that!
If anyone has any questions or if you'd like some materials to help you plan your prelaunch feel free to ask![]()
Wow. This post was originally up in 2011?
Solid stuff... as what's mentioned here is STILL what needs to be covered today (2018), especially the part about giving potential partners an incentive to promote you.
Thanks Fabian.
well wrote bro keep it up i will appreciate you..
Thanks for information Fabian! This makes helps a lot.
Solid info and really common sense when you think about it. There has to be some excitement and incentives!
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