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Thread: Power of Adswaps - Hundreds of opt ins easily

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Power of Adswaps - Hundreds of opt ins easily

    First of all Mike just want to say keep it up. Love this place. Only just started to read the posts here.


    I recently started experimenting with Adswaps.

    An Adswap is when two marketers agree to promote each others free product.

    This usually happens when you have a free offer, in the form of an E-book/Report or a DVD Course.

    The best place to do Adswaps is places like the Warrior Forum and also my personal favorite safe-swaps.com (no affiliation).

    You can not only boost your list overnight but you can also test the market. Once you have created your list make sure you build a relationship with that list.

    For example, if I have set up a squeeze page for a free, kick ass product and I have 450 opt ins as a result of Adswaps...and traffic to my squeeze page...I need to make sure I build a relationship with this new list.

    You can do this by interacting with them. Use Surveymonkey.com to interview your list to see what kind of products they are looking for.

    Believe it or not Adswaps people have built a list from 100+ to 30k in a space of 12 months, thanks to Adswaps.


  2. #2
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    Re: Power of Adswaps - Hundreds of opt ins easily

    Yes... yes, and No.

    I urge people to be very careful about building lists with adswaps. It does work, and yes, doing so will build numbers - but don't let yourself just be impressed by the numbers. Quality is way better.

    Here's a comment on made recently on this topic elsewhere:


    Often I wonder about the values and virtues of a "good" adswap. I often drop by "Joint Venture Forums" where there really are very few "joint Ventures"... many 90% "adswaps" with people who don't DO joint ventures of any other kind.

    OK - food for thought (let's stir the hornets nest - )

    ... classic example of a poor quality "adswap" list...

    Guy has 100,000 subscribers. Says he'll do a solo ad for $250 and will get you minimum 1,000 clicks.

    You know yourself that you've got a conversion of about 20% on your sales page which would mean 200 sales.

    On a $15 product that would equal $3,000 in sales.

    If he said "yes" to your joint venture that would put $1,500 in his pocket on a 50 / 50 split.

    But he says "no" to you joint venture because he knows he's got a crappy quality ad-swap list... he know that they're not good buyers (even though he'll tell you otherwise) - truth is they're only clickers - they're just curious. He'll blame poor sales on your sales copy, your website or your product.

    He's built his list pure and simply to SELL solo ads. It's a sh*t list and he knows it - that's why he never takes on joint ventures. Because if it was a good list...

    He'd always take the $1,500 over the $250.

    Wouldn't you ??

    Moral of story - NEVER do an adswap or run a SOLO ad with someone who's not prepared to do other JV promotions because chances are it means they've got a sh*t list.


    Paul Barrs

    Paul Barrs Publishing -<br /><br />http://www.paulbarrs.com Multi Media<br /><br />JV Invite &gt;&gt;: http://www.paulbarrs.com/go/jvnp<br /><br />Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/InternetBusinessTraining

  3. #3
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    Re: Power of Adswaps - Hundreds of opt ins easily

    Agree with paul,

    as powerful as adswaps are, it's how quailfied the list is,
    with 99% of marketers out there just banging everyone
    on the head with the next big product launch push button
    BS system it doesn't matter how many people you have
    on your list.

    I have personally seen a quality list of 500 convert at just
    over 40% on a $2,000 product and it's because the list
    had been nutured and treated like real humans that this
    person gets results like this.

    We also ALWAYS need to take into consideration the customer
    life time value and how much more a loyal qualified client
    on your list is worth as opposed to a freebie seeker.

    You can build a list, credibility and relationship at the same
    time by doing joint webinars with a very low barrier (even
    $1 optin) and you will end up with a much more qualified
    list of buyers that want you stuff.

    Not saying adswaps don't work "It's not how big it is, it's
    how you use it!"

  4. #4
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    Re: Power of Adswaps - Hundreds of opt ins easily

    I always check their ratings and ask for feedback.

    Good point you make but if you be sensible and do your research you can build your list quickly.

    Don't get me wrong guys..I have been burned too from Adswaps but I have also found some really good, honest Adswappers in various forums etc.

    I think the best way to do them is just keep them to a limit. E.g. once a month..

  5. #5
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    Re: Power of Adswaps - Hundreds of opt ins easily

    No offence why would you limit them if you
    have a good system of qualifying?

  6. #6
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Power of Adswaps - Hundreds of opt ins easily

    Quote Originally Posted by Samuel Junghenn
    No offence why would you limit them if you
    have a good system of qualifying?
    Then your list will get pissed off.

  7. #7
    VIP JVNP2 Featured Contributor
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    Re: Power of Adswaps - Hundreds of opt ins easily

    I used to be big on doing adswaps and in fact used to run a network for publishers to do solo adswaps (long time ago) but rarely do them anymore. I recently had someone consistantly bugging me to do a swap with them, the answer was flat out no, because I knew they over mailed to THEIR list, so nothing of value would've come out of it on my end. Then they started giving me attitude about it - bye, bye!

    No good can ever come from over mailing to your list.
    Need FRESH PLR? My writing comes highly recommended (even by that Merz Sr guy that runs this forum) http://provenprofitsplr.com PLR packs starting at ONLY $47. Ghost Writing starting at ONLY $35.00.

  8. #8
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Power of Adswaps - Hundreds of opt ins easily

    Yes, true...adswaps can and will build your list. But if are not careful...you will burn out your list. I've seen marketers promoting 3-4x per day. Let's say you promote for once, guy who did aswap with you sends out 1, maybe someone else who did with your guy send out 1 email. That's 3 emails per day. If i see 5-6 offers coming to my email inbox per day...i would unsubscribe from all...just to keep my inbox empty.

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