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Thread: My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

  1. #1
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    My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

    Hi there,

    I recently promoted Auto Mass Traffic through nothing but my website for which I worked hard on.

    My website was ranking 2nd on Launch Day.

    WOW.....I made 8 sales!But the thing was,If I would have had a list,I could have done better....

    So...I think if you have a list,and you have some bonuses for a product launch.....you're going right...

    I was encouraged to do this expiriment because of Michael Rasmussen....

    Do share with me your experiments!!!

    Sim Aurile

  2. #2
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    Re: My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

    I like your post.This gives us a chance to learn about this stuff.I definitely want to write a book that I can give out to my customers.It’s one of the oldest and most talked about method of traffic generation, but not many people use it.I've also heard of offline marketers taking ebooks and turning them into MP3s.

  3. #3
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    Re: My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

    Launches are always super competitive. Even with just a website you need KILLER bonuses. You have to realize that anybody who buys an IM product more than once, knows they can get bonuses along with it.

    Thus they will look for who has the best bonus. Typically a marketer (once myself) who doesn't have killer bonuses and copy set up during a launch, will only make sales on 'first time ''newbie''' buyers.

    It's all about the list...

    If you don't have a list...

    It's all about the bonuses!
    COUPON MAGE is Launching! Get on board. Launch Date: November 13, 2012

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    Internet marketing product reviews. - wordpress deployment software

  4. #4
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    Re: My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

    Right, having a list is naturally going to help you...

    Create something, related to the product, to give away before the launch. That way you'll have a very targeted list, and if your freebie was good, people should be more likely to buy from you.

    Personally, I would do an interview with the product creator and talk about the product. Get him to give away a couple of the techniques he uses in the course... Better yet, if the product has software involved that makes things faster and easier, get the product creator to explain how to do the process manually.

    That way it's good content for the list, it's useful info that's more than likely free to implement, but when they realize how time consuming it is , they'll be biting at the bit to buy the software on launch day.

  5. #5
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    Re: My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

    It's always nice to read other peoples launch experiences as it's encouraging and with getting/maintaining the "success mindset".

    My personal experience is that if you have a list and nurture it you can pitch almost everything to them and sign-ups to the launches you introduce will follow almost on autopilot. Now I'm very careful with the products I promote and make sure I don't over promote (only 1 or 2 launches a month is maximum for me)
    Download my free ebook "Three Proven Ways to Make Money Online" on: http//www.provenonlinestrategies.com

  6. #6
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    Re: My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

    Just food for thought...

    Someone I know claims he looks for product launches with names that have potential common typos in their names. He buys the mispelling version of the domain and redirects it to his affiliate link.

    Claims just this technique alone has had him profiting $25k this past year.

    That all said... this was from a random conversation we had 2 months ago, I didn't validate any of the info and don't have any other details.

    Common sense does follow (as domainers run this gimmick tactic too with big success). But just figured I'd post it here as yet another angle to experiment with.

  7. #7
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    Re: My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

    I think you highlight the right issue, and this really shows the difference between simply having a site and directing traffic, or having a LIST.

    I don't know how many subscribers you could of received, impossible to say really, but I am sure that yes you would of made more sales with a list... and you also could of promoted another launch to that same (but bigger) list this month... and next month... and...

    I would recommend anyone and everyone to start niche list building on their sites, I have seen it from both sides - as a vendor my list owning affiliates send 10x more traffic and make 10-20x more sales than anyone else, and my own lists make very healthy profits for me and allow me to JV with some very successful people... it's win-win... its ALL about the list.

  8. #8
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    Re: My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

    I also agree 100%!

    Ever heard the saying, "The money is in the list"? Well it is certainly true as long as you treat that list like a business, build rock solid relationships with your opt-ins, provide huge value and reap the rewards of loyalty ;D

    I was just talking the other day with someone that said they can't wait to recieve emails and offers from a particular opt-in list that I know of, that is where we all want to be, in a place where our subscribers LOVE receiving our emails.

    Your building a real asset by concentrating on cultivating a solid list of loyal subscribers that will pay for years if done right. It will take time and a lot of effort but it is well worth it many times over! ;D

    Build it and they will come, lol ;D
    Len Wright,<br />The Alliance Alchemist<br />www.JVConnector.com <br />www.theManifest-Station.com<br />Lswright2@hotmail.com<br />Skype: len.wright3

  9. #9
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    Re: My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

    I am a newbie with product launches. So you can guess everything I did was more of an experiment.
    I don't have a list, neither do I have a website when I started.
    I learned about product launches through Craig K's IPK and thought I try it out.

    My first launch was with Traffic Siphon.
    I set up a review website (didn't make it to Google first page) and did some article marketing.
    I made 3 sales.. not bad as it was my first launch.

    My next launch was with Zero Down Traffic - again set up a website which didn't make it to first page. :
    But this time, I experimented with Press Releases. At the day of the launch, my news article was #1 on Google Search for "Zero Down Traffic Blueprint". The result? 16 sales. I made $286.13. Sweet!

    It gets even better, I made $606.38 with the launch of Traffic Mayhem/Auto Mass Traffic. This time, I didn't set up a review site. ;D

    And more, made two sales with Insider's HQ...again, no site, no list. $900+ profit.

    With Covert Cash Conspiracy, I set up a review site which made it to #1 on Google for the product name. I didn't do any article marketing or press releases... I made ONE sale.

    I had my down moments too:
    48Hrs Cash Club - One Sale
    The Amazing Widget - One Sale
    Guru Siphon - No Sale

    Reading the messages here, I am curious about list building : I guess it's time I do a research on how to do it.

  10. #10
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: My Experiment with Promoting Product Launches

    I gotta say people, this is a very informative thread. It is revealing and helpful to share personal experiences Promoting Product Launches. I will be most happy to share my experiences in the future.
    John Wagner

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