Part V: JV Marketing Arena Battle Plan

© 2006 Mark M. Bravura

Greetings and Welcome back to Part V!

In Part IV, you discovered the critical importance of Labor

In this segment, as well as the last two segments of this e-
course, you'll discover a simple, albeit precise, 'battle
plan' for Outstanding Success- regardless of your particular

Before I divulge the juicy details, I need to make a quick

I could hand you the Absolute Finest means of multiple Web
income streams known to humanity...

But if you are not willing to actually put forth the effort
and act upon your knowledge, then this will merely be mild
entertainment to you...

That said- let the 'entertainment' commence!

JV Marketing Battle Plan Overview-


The purpose of this Marketing Battle Plan [and yes...
marketing is fiscal combat in the truest sense!] is to give
you a solid working knowledge of exactly what steps are
required for you to prosper abundantly on the Web.

I have deliberately chosen not to focus on any one particular
niche, as these Timeless Principles apply to all niches,

These are tactics and strategies that you can immediately
begin to apply and profit from, right now:


You'd do well to spend some quality time on is your own
personal 1 year retrospective/projection.

Look back over the last past 365 days and ask yourself the
following questions:

<> Am I currently experiencing the lifestyle I envision for
myself; in terms of disposable income and leisure time?

<> Knowing what I now know, what would I do differently to
achieve the level of disposable income and leisure time I
seek for myself and loved ones?

<> Is my aversion to my current lifestyle greater than the
pleasure derived from it?

<> Am I ready to *act* on a simple Plan of Action that will
fully allow me to enjoy an abundance of leisure time and
disposable income, over the next 365 days?

Simply put-

“Do you have a burning desire to achieve Outstanding Success
and a refusal to quit, especially when the odds are stacked
against you?!?”

If not- there is a very definitive chance that you are
potentially setting yourself up for [even more] failure...

But, alas...

There is good news, still yet!

Start small.

Start passionate.

Pick your Ultimate All-Time favorite leisure pursuit and
start slowly but surely researching it out; in terms of
niche feasibility.

Take lots of notes.

Study [sales/Web] copy.

Practice writing, re-writing and re-writing again your own.

Q: Is all of this necessary to immediately start making money

A: No. All of the above *is* necessary, however, if you are
seeking -sustained- success and getting paid more than a few
pennies an hour.

A Matter of Fact-

you could immediately jump right in and start promoting
someone else's affiliate program/offerings. Which, in and of
itself, is not a bad thing at all...

Provided you've paid your Due Diligence as both the end-
consumer and potential JV Affiliate Partner.

For ease of illustration, we'll assume that you've paid
your Due Diligence-

And have very carefully and excruciatingly researched both
the JV Affiliate Partner and their offerings that you'd strongly
consider aligning your precious resources with.

You've even narrowed it down to the best one or two you'd
like to give an honest shot at.


So now what?

You still need to promote the heck out of it to make any
appreciable amount of money at it; and that's assuming that
your affiliate partner is not- by any means- unscrupulous.

Which means you'll be investing large quantities of your
time, money or both- your large time spent is certain.

But wait...

It gets worse.

Where is the Replication of Labor Principle going to work for
you when you're making someone else wealthy...

Isn't that merely just trading one job for another?

The whole idea is to free up more time [and money]; not to
just simply wish another 'ball and chain' on yourself...


The 'secret' is deftly shrewd use of multiple leverage
capabilities, simultaneously. Huh?!?

Think of It This Way-

For each and every action and effort you put forth to better
your life; it should have two or more leverage dividends, or at
very least Replication of Labor to make *YOU* wealthy.

Anything less than that will yield you less than desirable
results, 100% of the time- without fail.

And this does not even count overcoming your initial learning

Lucky for you, I done paid the ugly part of your learning
curve with way the heck over 3000 hours of my life I'll
never get back...

Nor will you have to lose your own to discover what actually
is worth investing your precious resources into!

Well, this concludes Part V. In Part VI you will discover
the tactical considerations of your Marketing Battle Plan!

Success is yours!


Mark M. Bravura