Part III: Successful JV's Through Compelling Copy!

© 2006 Mark M. Bravura

A warm welcome back to you!

In Part II, you discovered the critical importance of

In Part III, you're about to discover the main 'ingredient' found
in all wildly successful JV's- regardless of what they're actually

Compelling Copy-

Thousands upon thousands of books have been written on the
subject and more are being manufactured daily.

For a subject that most people have a difficult time- at
best- to actually sit down and learn just the fundamentals

A whole lot sure has been written about it- and with good

You will be simply astounded- if not outright floored...

When you pay your Due Diligence and see just how much per
hour top Sales Copy writers are thoroughly enjoying.

And they can easily command these prices because the amount
of people that actually can write juicy, hypnotic copy are very
far and exceptionally few in between!

People like Brett McFall and Alex Mandossian.

And hand-in-hand with this, is:

Do not use the exact same Web/sales/auto responder copy as
the umpteen thousand other e-marketers are. Why?

There's a whole lot of it out there that comes across as
just plain cheesy.

And, no matter how well written it actually might be, it
still brands you as a newbie/amateur. Not desirable.

Your best and only bet worth staking your time on is to-
once again-

Pay your Due Diligence and start your own private Swap File
of both on and off line ads/sales copy that either totally
grab you, or...

Leave you with the impression that a chimpanzee would most
likely have created a better ad or superior sales copy!

The former is to inspire you to write your own compelling
sales copy [not to plagiarize, of course]; while the latter
is to inspire you to see all advertising in a whole new

Whether it be radio, TV, Web, etc.

Specifically, how you would make a bad ad or sales copy
compelling; and compelling sales/JV copy or ads irresistible.

Take some time each and every day to gain further mastery in
copy writing. In as few as a few short months- even weeks-

You'll find yourself able to quickly and easily adapt to [and
emulate] quite a number of different writing styles and

Furthermore, you will start to naturally pick ads and copy
apart and 'rebuild' them...almost subconsciously.

When that happens, compelling copy will begin to flow out
of you like a refreshing babbling brook!

Just imagine the untold money you'll save, alone, writing
your own copy...and money saved is money earned.

Not to mention the fact that you'll be cultivating a high-
paying skill in huge demand.

The best part, however, is the fact that you do not have
to rely on someone else's concept of 'good' copy- heck,
you'll be designing your own in practically no time!

Well, that about wraps up Part III. In Part IV, you'll
further be discovering Timeless Principles that work with
all on and off line businesses, 100% of the time.

Warmest regards on your journey to outstanding success!


Mark M. Bravura