I know that this is an older thread and I'm not sure if the OP is even monitoring it anymore...

Here's what I do...

Whenever I promote a product at all, I take screenshots of everything. I take screenshots of my paypal or clickbank (or however I get paid) as well as screenshots of my click-thrus on Aweber and any leaderboard type thing that I may be on.

This is great for two reasons...

1. I keep great track and proof of what products I've promoted and I keep them organized. I can then later analyze what sort of products my list responds to as well as keep track of my growth and success over time.

2. I have images that I can e-mail to people to prove that I am a legit marketer that can get results. As long as I come off sincere and show them proof that I can generate sales, I can usually get a review copy.

My advice to the OP is to promote a launch of a product that you A. either own already or B. don't own but think will sell well and then just keep track of your results as proof for when you want favors from potential JV partners.

I hope that helps some... It works great for me.
