Quote Originally Posted by Tony Marriott
Great tips - thanks.

Reading your post it occurred to me that product vendors, in general, may not be doing as much as they could to help affiliates (especially new ones). Of course everything a vendor does to help equates to money in their pocket as well as the affiliates.
I understand that vendors are business people and must apply their efforts in the areas that get the greatest rewards but that inevitably means helping the already successful.
As you said, the top 2-3 affiliates are making thousands whilst many are not. And I am guessing that even more would have fallen by the wayside completely.
Maybe a focus on fundamentals to help the new starters would reap rewards that far outweigh the effort. As an example, in your case, just another 2-3 top affiliates would presumably double your profits. Not suggesting that you don't help your affiliates of course, just giving a personal general view and maybe food for thought.
You are right that product vendors may not be doing as much as possible to help affiliates succeed. I offer an affiliate toolkit and free webinars to help them.

However, the Pareto principle suggests that 80% of your results will come from only 20% of people, so it makes sense to focus on attracting more of the high results affiliates and not just focus on trying to get every low earning affiliate to do more.