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Thread: How to perfect free traffic methods?

  1. #1
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    How to perfect free traffic methods?

    Hey everyone. I'm fairly new to IM, about a year in, and have used mostly adwords for my traffic. I do have the problem with jumping from one thing to the next and could use some help when it comes to generating free traffic. I really want to grow my list but it will get WAY to costly to use adwords doing so.

    Can anyone help me out with how to write killer blogs and articles that people will love, and not think is just another marketer spamming?

    Thanks in advance!

    Good things come to those who work for it!<br />For some free Internet Marketing info check out<br />www.web20trafficflowsystem.com<br />Its still new so I&#039;m trying to add to it while focussing on other business aspects.

  2. #2
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    Re: How to perfect free traffic methods?

    Hi Daniel

    Article writing is an awesome way to get traffic.

    I believe in volumes. If you have a site on a particular niche, hire article writers to write around 100 quality articles for you. And submit them to top article directories like EzineArticles.

    You might even get hold of PLR articles on your niche, and have them re-written. But give strict instructions to your writers to make the article around 90% unique compared to the original article.

    TIP : You can use a software called Dupe Free Pro to check the uniqueness.
    This is an awesome piece of software.

    (I have around 7,000 articles on EzineArticles, and this software really proved a boon for me)

    If you do this you *will* get targeted traffic. Period.

    All the best
    - Abhi

    Download 126 Niche eBooks Totally Free!<br />www.WingsOfSuccess.info

  3. #3
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    Re: How to perfect free traffic methods?

    Hey Daniel,

    Article writing is but one free traffic method. Perhaps you might want to look into SEO as well.

    What type of site would you like to drive traffic to? You mentioned PPC...what type of site have you been driving that paid traffic to?

    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager

  4. #4
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    Re: How to perfect free traffic methods?

    Thanks for the info guys. Abhishek, 7000 articles! Thats insane. You must have been at it for a while. Anyway I'll have to check out this software. Also it only takes what, like 5 bucks to get someone to write an article right? so I could just order like 20 or 50 of them for a good price.

    Just curious what do you know about blogging also?
    Good things come to those who work for it!<br />For some free Internet Marketing info check out<br />www.web20trafficflowsystem.com<br />Its still new so I&#039;m trying to add to it while focussing on other business aspects.

  5. #5
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    Re: How to perfect free traffic methods?


    There are various free traffic methods and I can bet that one can't master them all. Take one step at a time. If you are into article writing and submissions, concentrate fully on it. like Curtis and Abhi have mentioned above, one, two or little more doesnt work. You have to do it on a consistent basis. Well you dont need to submit to whole lot of directories, if u just concentrate on the main ones, they are few in numbers, you should be good to go.

    So remember my friend, one thing at a time. dont get your brain to concentrate on many different methods or they are chances, according to my experience, you may end up perfecting none.

    All the best


  6. #6
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    Re: How to perfect free traffic methods?

    Content syndication is one of the best free ways to generate traffic.

    However, I like to syndicate my articles a little bit differently than most
    people. Instead of just submitting articles to the top article directories,
    I find high-profile websites and blogs within my market that accept
    article submissions and guest posts.

    This allows you to generate 10x more traffic and start forming relationships
    with other business owners in your market. No matter what market you’re in, there are very popular websites that you could be submitting articles to for massive traffic.

    You can then use snippets from your articles to answer commonly asked questions in related forums. This allows you to re-purpose your content and get extra exposure. Forums put you directly in front of your target market, making it an excellent source of highly targeted traffic.

    You can then bundle your articles into a free PDF report than you can then submit to all of the top Ebook directories. But as always, you want to be driving all of your traffic to a squeeze page so that you can be building your list. So inside your ebook, at the very top, you'll want to put an ad that directs them to your squeeze page for a free report / video series / etc... You can also use a PDF exit pop-up to grab them again before they close your ebook.

    This allows you to use your ebook as a lead generator.

    These 3 very simple content syndication techniques will allow you to grow a list of thousands of subscribers. Stay focused on one technique until you have mastered it completely and then move onto the next traffic tactic.

    As Internet Marketers, it's so easy to get overwhelmed by all of the different traffic methods that are available to us. But the key to success is to focus in on one technique and master it completely. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by all of the information out there. And remember, QUALITY always trumps QUANTITY.

    All the Best,


  7. #7
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    Re: How to perfect free traffic methods?

    Thanks Kim. I'll have to give those a try. Is there any sites that you recommend to post articles for the IM niche? Thanks again.
    Good things come to those who work for it!<br />For some free Internet Marketing info check out<br />www.web20trafficflowsystem.com<br />Its still new so I&#039;m trying to add to it while focussing on other business aspects.

  8. #8
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    Re: How to perfect free traffic methods?

    Great comment by everyone but I would to thank Kim for always sharing quite a lot of detail on how to do things slightly differently. I've had a quick look at her website and it is worthwhile checking out. http://www.buzzblogger.com/ [No affilliate link]

    Thanks once again

  9. #9
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: How to perfect free traffic methods?

    Thanks Pieter and Daniel!

    You guys are the best

    @Daniel In regards to some of the best places to submit your IM articles,
    here are my favorites:


    Blogs that Accept Guest Posts:


    http://moneymakerinfo.blogspot.com/2...-bloggers.html (This site ranks #2 for “make money online” and they are looking for guest

    http://www.tutorialized.com (Submit your articles in the Marketing or SEO sections. This site will send traffic directly to your blog or website. So you will need to have a website set up to submit your articles here. But they can drive hundreds of visitors to your site.)

    All the Best,


  10. #10
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: How to perfect free traffic methods?

    Thanks a lot Kim. Theres some excellent sites there. I just need to learn how to use them all now. I also sent you a PM. Thanks again!
    Good things come to those who work for it!<br />For some free Internet Marketing info check out<br />www.web20trafficflowsystem.com<br />Its still new so I&#039;m trying to add to it while focussing on other business aspects.

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