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Web 2.0 Joint Venture Tips - Recession-Proof Your
Business With a Name, a Set of Plans, and a Dream!
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I ALWAYS tell my customers and loyal subscribers that they are
ready to close a joint venture deal when they are ready to make
I ALWAYS teach people that Joint Venturing is by far the best
marketing strategy to recession-proof a business faster and
easier, with less effort and without having to spend tons of
Like it or not, we’re living in economically challenging times-
yet many business owners and people in general are hardly
affected by the global collapse of the economy.
Recession - a simple word that is currently upsetting people
across the entire world.
You see business owners make panicky business decisions that ends
up hurting their business (and wallet) more than it helps.
Reducing prices is the most common mistake. Cutting advertising
and marketing budgets are also commonly used. Not to mention
firing people.
Wrong... and very bad for a business.
And above all, consumers are spending less and less money on non-
Essential and/or luxury products/services.
The best action to take during these times is to setup
profitable JV's!
Joint Venture opportunities come often; knocking as often as
you have an ear trained to hear it, an eye trained to see it, and
a burning desire to succeed.
If you are already doing a few JV's, do more... and do them NOW.
Stop wasting your time and begin making this a daily priority
for your business.
Joint Ventures may be the best way to stimulate growth when you
have limited resources and skills. And JV marketing deals should
be a part of the plan of every business owner who wants fast,
impressive growth.
Every successful business I know uses a JV model, because it's:
* Fast - you can create one in less than 24 hours once you know
how to do it.
* Easy - it's not complicated at all, once you know all the
* Cheap - you can have a JV deal up and running TODAY for less
than $100.
You will need three things to get started. The good news is you
probably already have them on hand.
You will need a Name, a Set of Plans... and a Dream!
-> The Name
This is where everything starts. Whether you do a joint venture
to promote your product or service, promote someone else's
product, or act like a JV broker, a name is always required.
A joint venture is also ideal to "test the waters" with a new
product or service. In this case, your JV investment should have
a short term purpose.
If you have been thinking about investing into something big,
you should consider a larger joint venture. Sure, you
won’t be able to reap all the profits, but at least you will
spreads the risks around to everyone involved.
-> The Plan
You need a Plan to maximize your JV deals. Without a plan, it
simply will not work.
Developing a JV plan may seem obvious but I find it worth
mentioning. You may already have a plan for your company,
but since a JV deal will affect the structure of your existing
business, it is important to put your JV idea(s) into a plan.
It is useful to split a joint venture plan into two sections: a
strategic plan and an action plan. The strategic plan sets up the
general direction and the way resources will be used. The action
plan contains a schedule what is to be done, and when
results are to be achieved.
You need to identify your market and IF customers really want
your product or service, or the one's you'll endorse (I have no
idea what you mean by “or the one’s you’ll endorse). You may
have a good idea for your potential customers, but do they have
the money to pay for your product and come back for more when
they need supplemental services?
And you have to be persistent in your efforts to align and
realign yourself with your JV partners. If a deal does not work
out, you need to back out of the arrangement as politically as
you can and find another partner that is more productive.
-> The Dream
You have to have a Desire to be successful... and you have to
share your dream with your partners!
Even before you start finding JV partners, you need to define the
basic nature of your joint ventures: the goals, the scope of the
process; a vision of your ideal partners, and products/services
you want to promote/endorse.
Don't dream small... Dream BIG!
Creativity is another important attribute of your JV dream. By
thinking outside the box and taking some risks on a new idea or
concept, you'll breaking the mold and moving fast into new
territories that could propel you to the top.
Remember: one small JV deal could literally trigger an EXPLOSION
of profits to you and your business. Once you learn the insider
secrets, you'll have the ability to EFFORTLESSLY create windfalls
of profits on demand, whenever you feel like it - no matter if
it's a recession or not.
Joint Venturing ain't rocket science. Once you've got the right
system in place, there's absolutely NOTHING that will stop you
from driving as much momentum as you want to your business.
And my "Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED" paint-by-numbers
system takes you by the hand and shows you, step by step,
exactly how to implement these strategies in your business - even
if you're a complete marketing dummy.
John F. Kennedy once said:
"The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis'.
One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In
a crisis, be aware of the danger - but recognize the
Bottom Line: you can recession-proof your business with JV's.
The question is - are you ready for explosive profits?
Valeriu Popescu is a Joint Venture broker and the creator of the
"Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED" system. This ultra
powerful course show you step-by-step ..."Amazingly EASY Web 2.0
Joint Venture Secrets That Will Help You Find (Instantly and
Consistently) Partners and Super Affiliates To Promote Your
Business For FREE Without Any Effort, Hassle, Or Physical
Energy... Guaranteed!"
Click Here => http://www.Web2JointVentureSecrets.com