One professor once quoted that the best way to campaign for something is to integrate knowledge and make them as one tool for the campaign; and so is the need to integrate strategies for a successful marketing campaign.

Empirically, the ones who are most successful in marketing campaigns are the ones who use this approach. Let’s take for example, fast food giants such as KFC, McDonalds among the many. These companies are bigwigs in the industry and have been in the roll in almost every corner of industrialized countries. Further, these companies have been using snazzy advertising images and integrative strategies to win their customers.

From billboards to children's toys, leaflets, tri-media advertising (television, radio and newspaper), online promotions, direct mail marketing, event marketing, and so on. By using different key approaches, companies can multiply the coverage of their adverts, build brand reputation and increase the chances of getting the customer buy their idea, then later on, the product / service itself.

The campaign can also get more credibility if the target group can repetitively see the same slogan, blog or theme from different mediums in slightly different places and time. In environmental psychology, this will pervade the social mental space thereby penetrating deep into the sub conscious of the target audience. If the advert is extensive, it is going to be like a recurring word, much like a mantra that produces a sort of last song syndrome that periodically comes back to the minds of the target. This is how effective the approach is.

The AMA or American Marketing Association sees the communication as a holistic approach to marketing. They define this as a planning process designed to assure that all brand contacts received by a customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization are relevant to that person and consistent over time. There are a number of reasons why there is a sudden shift in the mediums of business advertising. Take for instance, the previously limited Internet access to widespread Internet availability. This tells us that people can access the information 24/7. Further, this implies the transfer of control from manufacturer-dominated market to retailer-dominated market, giving more power to customers. These are just one of the many reasons why this holistic approach is said to be the most effective means of reaching the target market.

Here's to your Success!


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