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Thread: Yet another new member

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Yet another new member

    Hello everyone,
    My name is Bill and this is my first visit/post to JVnotify.
    I've been a perpetual student on-line for about 2 years and finally decided to do what you all say.
    "Take Action"
    So....here I am and to be honest, quite excited. Especially to see some familiar names. Hi Craig, Hi Reed.
    I'm kicking off trying to develope a "Brand" for myself. So decided on Brand!!
    My full name is Bill Randall so heck why not?
    My business experience is 10 years in a direct mail service business in senior management. Interesting times.
    Last 12 years building a manufacturing business that's now recording sales of around 950k per year.
    I have a great list of about 10,000 customers who are in various MLM companies and basically trying to find the best way to maximise my sales/relationship with them.
    So in a nut shell.....bring it on!
    I'm all eyes & ears.

  2. #2
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    Re: Yet another new member

    Welcome aboard, Bill ..

    It's obvious from your past experience that you have much to offer, as well ... looking forward to reading more from you.



  3. #3
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Yet another new member

    Hi Bill

    Branding is something that most people really don't know a lot about. So any advice you can give would be great.

    If you have any questions while taking action then let me know. I'm always here to help.

    Looking For An Affiliate Program That Really Converts...<br /><br />http://onlineaffiliatecoaching.com/affiliate.htm

  4. #4
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Yet another new member

    Thanks Mike & Charles,
    I'll be trying to contribute as much as I can. It's sometimes difficult with the other business committments, but internet marketing and global relationships now occupy about 80% of my thoughts. So basically the time will come when you won't be able to shut me up.
    Hey Charles, we also share a name. My full is Charles William.
    On branding, well there are many ways to approach it. Some have done it just on their personal name and some with product brands.
    "Mike Filsaime" as apposed to "DJK" (Chris X)
    It's a very interesting field of study, but my opinion is it starts with basic consistancy in everything that we do.
    Gotta pay the wages now, so.......
    Bill "Brand" Randall

  5. #5
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Yet another new member

    Welcome Bill, wow a lot of new members this week. Must be buzz on the street.

  6. #6
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Yet another new member

    Hi Bill, try to start with a short report... With something that you know and that you know others will want to know... Chose a catchy title for the report... You'll surely know what to write and if you need someone to design your eCover, I'll do it for free... Contact me for details...
    Set up your site and setup an auto responder account...
    If you don't know how to do it you can use services such as...
    http://www.emailmeform.com/ for the time being...
    Write a nice sales copy... (have a look at the sales page of big names)
    Design a nice header...
    You can find free headers on photobucket or deviantart I think...
    Now you can sell that report...
    But you'll lose around 90% of potential clients...
    Give away the report for free...
    Ask your sites' visitors to subscribe to your newsletter to get your report for free...
    Give a sense of emergency (This report won't be kept online for long)...
    Next, you need to promote that site...
    It's now the hardest part of the job....
    Try to get as much as targeted visitors as possible... The more targeted are your visitors, the easier shall be the list building process....
    Set yourself as an expert author on Ezine Articles...
    Conquer Youtube....
    Implement some stuff about viral marketing...

    PS...Set Give Away Rights on the report... Contact site owners, ask them to include your report as bonuses within their products...
    Don't forget to ask for feedback from your report readers...
    Controversial Free Internet Marketing Training.<br />Understanding PPC<br />http://understanding-ppc.110mb.com

  7. #7
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Yet another new member

    Wow, thanks Stephane. I didn't expect such great advice given so freely from anyone. All of this has gone straight into me resources folder and will be acted on. I'll post my results as I go.

    BTW thanks to you too Chris. I think you can blame ol Jonny Andrews for the flood of newbies. That's where I came from.

    Why do I feel out of my depth? Is it due to the obviously high calibre of my fellow members?

    I'll need to get it done so that I can share good news with all of you.

    Thank you all, very much.

  8. #8
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Yet another new member

    The great thing about the people here, they never hold back on giving ideas and advises.

    This is the coolest forum I know of....

    Grab your free books here....<br />http://www.giveandshare.org/?giving_today=61

  9. #9
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Yet another new member

    Welcome Bill - I think you'll find this to be quite a useful place to visit on a regular basis.

    One note to new members, the IM community has really been moving the 'free line' recently. In other words, the stuff that people today are giving away is better than some of the stuff sold in the past.

    It's a good way to build a brand and to build a list.

    The first decision is whether or not you are in this for a quick buck or for the long run.

    If you are in for the long run, the money will flow but you need to build credibility.

    Paul McPherson

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Re: Yet another new member

    Yeah ... between Jonny, my own increase in utilizing Web 2.0, and others ... we've added almost 400 partners in the last month ..

    There is strength in numbers ... when they participate, and follow through.



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