Joint venture is basic teamwork, partnership or pairing. The idea of joint venture philosophically traces its origin to the old idea that there is no man in an island. Man just cannot live nor do great things by himself. If he does, his life is not too great or less overwhelming. If his life was indeed great and overwhelming, it definitely took him colossal and tedious efforts or he is God.

Thomas Edison and Michelangelo just did not make the lighbulb and ceiling paintings in Sistine Chapel, respectively, alone. They partnered with a team of engineers and artists. Edison worked with a team to build the electric system, light sockets, safety fuses and wiring network.

The core of success for these age-old joint ventures is the management of talents. Management paved the creation of breakthroughs with ease and speed. Thomas Edison may have died without completing his discovery if he had not partnered with engineers.

Same true with Time Magazine. The magazine could complete its May issue of The 100 Most Influential People in the World with its in-house writers and photographers, but not on time. With millions of current events to cover every month, their in-house writers could not simply finish write 100 articles of 100 influential people (not even mentioning the research process period).

As they claimed, the pairings (or the joint ventures) of Time Magazine and contributors, who personally know the selected influential people, made the magazine a great reading—fast, on time, precise and true.

Jerry Seinfield wrote about his co-comedian Chris Rock while Tina Fey wrote about her boss and Saturday Night Live mastermind Lorne Michaels. Former US President wrote another former leader, Tony Blair. George Clooney precisely wrote about Brad and Angelina Pitt, whom are George’s close friends.

The Time 100 Team may be less better than Time’s in-house writers, but the contributors were precise with their testimonies, which journalism should be.

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Rivers Corbett
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"Award Winning Entrepreneur and Joint Venture Specialist, Rivers Corbett offer an exclusive and exciting opportunity to a limited number of entrepreneurs who are looking to steer clear of the typical ''Get Rich Quick'' hype and build a solid business of * lasting *significance. Click on for more information on this great offer