I’m devoted certified personal trainer and registered dietician. I decided to become online personal trainer and I will be able to help more people in need. Also I want increase my English level, that’s why I decided to reach people from English language countries. I'm the owner of weight loss service and also person who is guide every customer to his physique goal.
Looking for partner who will give me a support and give me a hand to start helping people.
Reaching physique goals turned into my passion and want to do that full time (now I work in corporation). My work is science based methods based on flexible dieting. People are working with real person, who give them guidance and knowledge. After reaching their goal, they will be able to maintain it.
Thank you for devoting me your precious time and thanks for let me to give you some information.
My name is Joel and hope we could cooperate together.
***Launch Announcement***
Product Name: Your 90-Days Transformation
FE Price: $499.00
Potential Earnings Per Customer: $249.00
Last edited by Joel Likondjo; 03-18-2017 at 07:22 AM.