Affiliate marketing is not the easiest thing in the world as some ads claim. Its takes hard work to get into affiliate marketing. You need to be patient, you need to follow up on things regularly, and you need to have your butt in front of the computer a lot. It is so not the most relaxing thing on earth. Then you have problems, yes, affiliate marketers have problems as well. Like I said, it's not easy to get the sales you want. So what are the solutions?

To all affiliate marketers, you need to keep these in mind at all times. Price. No matter how many times you throw the word quality in my face, the cheaper thing is still going to be my way to go. Do i need to remind you about how much gas is today? It's simply the way life is moving now, everyone wants the cheaper goods because they don't have a choice. So keep playing the numbers game with your products. Keep the prices low and your sales will go up.

A little extra something. Offer your customers a bit of extra loving cause you want them to come back. It can be a stupid little free gift, but it's still free, and that's appreciated. Offer discounts on their net purchase so they just can't say no. Offer free e-books that wont even cost you anything, what ever it maybe, a bonus for them will be a bonus for you.

Last, give a guarantee and be supportive. Don't be one of those guys that befriends someone before the sale then when the purchaser has a question you don't even bother to reply to a short email. Offer a guarantee, one week or one month, something is better than nothing.

With simple solutions like these, your affiliate marketing business will be doing a lot better. Just keep thinking like you're a customer as well, what would you like to happen? How would you like to be treated? When you have the answers, apply them. Solutions are that simple.

Here's to your success
Rivers Corbett
Founder -

"Award Winning Entrepreneur and Joint Venture Specialist, Rivers Corbett and Financial Engineer, Doug Anderson, have teamed up to offer an exclusive and exciting opportunity to a limited number of entrepreneurs who are looking to steer clear of the typical ''Get Rich Quick'' hype and build a solid business of * lasting *significance. Click on for more information.