Tarek Wazzan - Secret Real Estate Wholesaler - JV Invite
Tarek Wazzan - Secret Real Estate Wholesaler - JV Invite
Launch Day: Saturday, December 17th 2016
Hello, my name is Tarek Wazzan. I am a real estate investor and entrepreneur. I actually made my money and still do in real estate. I came up with this academy to help people like me when i began to get started in real estate without all the BS.
If you go to the site, secretrealestatewholesaler.com, i have a bio about me and how i began. I was featured on the front page of the Oklahoman alongside with my brother. I spoke at local real estate events as well. I am still testing my membership product site, so i don't have any real results. Currently i don't have any member as of yet. I just got it approved through clickbank.
I hope you will have success with my product. I have made banners that you can use as well and will provide more marketing materials.