When people don't have enough choices, they tend to complain. When they have too many choices, they tend to complain as well. That's what's happening with looking for businesses online has come to. There are just too many choices! You have no idea where to look, what to choose, you sign up for a bunch of things regretting later on why you did that because now your inbox just never has space. Now there is simply not enough space to discuss all the business opportunities, so lets just go with Affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing means you'll sign up with a company and sell their products, sort of like an agent, but your not actually controlled by them, so a boss-less job (lets all sigh and smile together). But how do you choose the right Affiliate Marketing Company? If you want to go right for the big companies, then Clickbank, Commission Junction, and Clixgalore would be your choices. If not, then consider these things for smaller companies.

How much is the company willing to pay you? Different companies. Different options. You can earn anywhere from a dollar to 25 dollars per sale. Then there's the product. If you go for the really small companies, tendency is you're going to be selling unknown products. Now thats going to make things harder for you. So consider what you are selling and think about who your market is and how much you could realistically make with those commissions.

Lastly, focus on your website. It is not just about how much traffic you bring to your website, but the content. People may visit your site cause it seemed like it was going to be a great place, but if there get there and see one almost blank page of nothing, then yah, you got the traffic for a second but nothing is going to happen after that.

Here's to your success
Rivers Corbett
Founder - MyRewardsBiz.com