About jeng cua

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Date of Birth
August 19
About jeng cua
My name is Jeng Cua. I am a full time online entrepreneur who quit my full time job on May 2, 2012. One of my many many lessons I learned after quitting my job is….I learned how to master the art of failure because every time I failed, I find my way to stand and correct it.
Reading books, teaching both online and offline
Online Entrepreneur
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Your Breakthrough Guide To Design Your Future!
Jeng Cua


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Getting Clicks, But No Conversions How To Solve This

by jeng cua on 03-16-2017 at 10:50 PM
There’s no doubt that all business owners would like to see more and more traffic to their website and most of all we want see CONVERSIONS!

But, here’s the agony of most business owners – Getting Clicks But No Conversions in running their PPC Ad.

In this post, I will show you how to solve this to end your agony of spending money without seeing any results that you want for your business.

2 Biggest

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Financial Breakthrough Get Out Of Debt!

by jeng cua on 03-13-2017 at 01:38 AM
Most of us are facing financial difficulties. We all want to do better financially, but the majority of us are facing difficulty meeting the regular essential financial obligations like paying monthly bills, rent payment, mortgage, credit car payments, etc.

My husband and I used to borrow our lifestyle and we were drowning in credit card debts living paycheck to paycheck

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How To Monitor Your Business At One Glance

by jeng cua on 03-13-2017 at 01:36 AM

Real entrepreneurs have to monitor their business activities/statistics. You have to track your traffic flow, the quality of your traffic, the conversion rate and the incoming revenue . In short, you want to see if your business is making money or not.I know this can be a little overwhelming in the beginning. There’s a lot of things to prioritize, a lot of different business ideas to implement & a lot of softwares to choose from in

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Product Launching - Looking For JV Partner!

by jeng cua on 11-22-2016 at 09:35 AM
Hey Guys!

This is my first time exploring this site! I have a new product that I want to launch in the market and I am searching for joint venture partner to help me launch this product out. I would highly appreciate if someone can provide the best advice on how to do it here?

Appreciate your feedback guys!



Getting Clicks, But No Conversions How To Solve This

There’s no doubt that all business owners would like to see more and more traffic to their website and most of all we want see CONVERSIONS! But,...

jeng cua 03-16-2017 10:50 PM

Due to acquring wrong traffic and poor landing page

Muneeb Ur Rehman 04-06-2017 11:58 PM

Financial Breakthrough Get Out Of Debt!

Most of us are facing financial difficulties. We all want to do better financially, but the majority of us are facing difficulty meeting the regular...

jeng cua 03-13-2017 01:38 AM

How To Monitor Your Business At One Glance

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNtEE-lEShY Real entrepreneurs have to monitor their business activities/statistics. You have to track your...

jeng cua 03-13-2017 01:36 AM