My name is Jeff Ordonez and I am the principal owner of the premier Christian meditation website. We've been experimenting and testing it for nearly 4 yrs and have learned a great deal from our online experience. At the moment it only generates 20 to 30 visits per day from which we now convert nearly $1000 in sales per month.
Our track record with paypal is impeccable and in high standing. With thousands of sales under our belt we refund only two to three sales per year. We are successful because we use leading research from the Harvard School of Medicine, advanced sound frequency technology, and Hebrew and Greek biblical studies. A powerful combination that has already prevented two suicides and opened the mind of thousands of Christians who want more.
Nearly 70 percent of the entire adult American population identifies itself as Christians. This is an untapped niche with little to no competition that delivers consistent results.
We are now exploring ways to expand our presence in the market and see joint ventures as a promising opportunity.
Our industry category is heavily related to health and fitness, self improvement, and spirituality.
I'm going to the top and I want you to join me. I look forward to developing a JV partnership with you. MESSAGE ME SOON. We are developing individual product micro sites, viral campaigns, new seo campaigns, and great affiliate program through clickbank, so you'll get paid.
Here's the link to our company website:
Many thanks,
I'm so sorry, I forgot to mention, some of you might already know me. A few years back I owned and built the world's 3rd largest luxury home website, - Since the panda google update it slowly went from 10 of millions of visits to a few hundred. Fortunately, during the last few years of it's lifespan I was quietly testing and learning from, something I'm really passionate about.
MESSAGE ME SOON. I AM PERSONALLY REVIEWING EVERY AFFILIATE WHO WANTS TO EARN COMMISSIONS. This is an untapped market with high sales ratios and we're the only company that offers highly sophisticated programs to a large Christian population.