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    Dear Sir;
    I read about your product in JV . I just joined this web and you are the first one that I am writing to. The reason is that I am very much involved with sleeping problems (my husband suffers from this) and of course if he can't sleep I also suffer from the consequences . Besides I have a blog about back-pains in have a few articles about sleeping with back-pains. I would like to market your product. What is the procedure?
    My mail is: luizhaker2404@gmail.com
    Louise Haker
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About Paul Becker

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Date of Birth
December 22
About Paul Becker
SleepEasy® and Sleep on Command™ sleep machines utilize electrically-generated pulsed-magnetic signals to literally ‘tune’ brain toward deep sleep while turbocharging cells to produce more ATP for enhanced daytime performance, to improve detoxification and slow down the aging process


These pulsed magnetic sleep machines evolved over 10 years of neurological and physiological testing through practical application on nearly 4000 clients in 30 countries (with 90%+ statistical probability of success during 10 years & greater than 96% during the last two years).

To learn about the science behind these sleep machine / antiaging technologies and the outrageous mitochondrial effects (specifically upon oxygen metabolism and ATP production) please click the link below that will take you directly to the key independent research.

The SleepEasy® and Sleep on Command™ magnetic sleep machines emit a sequentially-slowing, pulsed-magnetic signal that entrains brain toward Delta-rhythm which is the deepest state of sleep. Delta-rhythm is the 'slow-wave' sleep state associated with repair, memory consolidation and hormone production. We guarantee you perform a decade or two younger in 90 days or your money back.
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05-02-2012 02:33 PM
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04-03-2012 04:50 PM
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EarthPulse Sleep on Command™ - Sleep on Command / Sleep Easy JV Invite

EarthPulse Sleep on Command™ - Sleep on Command / Sleep Easy - JV Invite Launch Day: Tuesday, April 3rd 2012 Sleep is the largest pharmaceutical...

Paul Becker 04-03-2012 05:10 PM

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