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Book -Memoirs of D.A.M.Khan: Journey of an EDucator

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Do you know that at one time Education was not a priority?
Memoirs of Dr. Andrew Moonir Khan: Journey of an Educator, is the historical memoir of an Educator.
It was indeed a struggle for the young teacher Andrew, but he overcame all obstacles and became a trailblazer in Education in his country climbing the ladder from classroom management to school principal.and superintendent.

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Later in life, he became a Presiding Elder in his church and preached many sermons, some of which are appended to his biography.
His story is both motivational and inspiring.

An Amazon Reviewer stated, "The book in its lifelike and meaningful way depicts the story of a great man, a true exemplar, a national hero."

Updated 04-16-2017 at 12:14 PM by Brenda Mohammed

