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Five Star REview of "Stories People Love"

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Here is another Five Star Review for one of Brenda's books:

A collection of stories, poems and an informative article all connected by the common theme of hope
September 4, 2014
Format: Paperback
In "Stories People Love", the author combines several genres in one collection.: a romance story, a murder mystery, a travel chronicle, an advice piece, and some poetry. The work consists of two fictional stories, a narration of a true-life adventure, some thoughts on the advantages of buying insurance, and four poems.

My favorite story of the collection is "The Headmaster's Daughter". It is a beautiful, finely developed tale that deals with the romance of Marie and Paul in the 1950's. After some setbacks in their relationship, they finally marry proving to all that love always triumphs.

"The Dirtiest of All Evils" is shorter but exciting in its own way. Mark almost confesses to a murder he did not commit because he believes he is protecting his brother. The true details of the crime eventually emerge and vindicate Mark.

"Travel Dreams of Yesterday" relates the author's journey, with her friend Sylvia, to New York, Toronto, London, Germany, and Holland. It is a detailed chronicle of their wonderful experiences and safe return home.

"True Value of Insurance" gives real-life examples of the advantages of purchasing insurance. It is an informative piece in which the author describes all the different types of insurance that one may need to feel secure in life.

The four poems at the end of the collection are based on scripture readings and demonstrate the author's knowledge and careful interpretation of specific bible verses. She chooses bible passages that clearly show God's love for mankind and the rewards received by those who believe in Him.

Typical of the style of the author, these stories are easy to read and understand. The common thread that unites each piece in this collection is hope. The theme running through each story is that with hope and faith, nothing can ever go wrong. It is a theme that can be found in all of the author's work. I highly recommend this book.
Kindle Edition.
