View Full Version : New Affiliate Looking For A Few Tips

Tiffany Washington
07-07-2008, 01:43 AM
Hello All!

I am brand new to JVnotify on the coat tails of Craig and his very resourceful and outstanding Secret Affiliate Code. I am actually introducing myself and trying to get a feel for the community. I am very excited and I am following the advice of those who have gone before me (no need to invent the wheel ;D ) and looking to get actively involved in JVs and promoting products being launched.

The best thing I can do I am assuming is get in on the forum so I have been reading the JV Marketing articles and other things that are offered here. I enjoy positive, constructive, and even at times harsh but honest feedback so any tips on getting started are welcomed.

I have a website that I have been working on for about a week now but haven't really done anything in the way of getting traffic to it or starting my services. I want to build the content so that it is relevant and work in my affiliate options.

I was wondering about the John Reese launch of Traffic Secrets 2.0. This is right up my alley and I would love the opportunity to work with someone like him. I know we should start small and work our way up, but at the same time it just completely falls into my current niche and the direction I am headed at this time.

The JV has request next to it. I am pretty new here as I said and tried looking around for the answer before posting but how would I go about being apart of this launch as a JVP. On this I think I may be completely lost.

07-07-2008, 11:34 AM
Nice to meet you, I am new to the forum and this seems to be a nice place to get started!

07-07-2008, 01:31 PM
Welcome Tiffany and Troy. This IS the place to be so just stick around and you will know when new products

are about to launch so you'll have about two weeks give or take a week to prepare. My advice you both of you

would be to continue to post in the forums so we can all become familiar with each other. Me personally I

got into IM about a month ago and so far I have had the opportunity to promote three products.




I'm still learning html but I'm no longer a complete N00B yay! Once again welcome Tiffany and Troy I hope

you two feel like we are all in this together.