View Full Version : Creating an ALL ROUND Domain Name !!

Mark Gray
07-06-2008, 04:30 AM
HI Guys,

Just a quicky.

Do you think its a good idea to create a domain name where you
would have all of your squeeze pages etc for all the products you promote?

By this i mean something in this fashion.





So what i would be aiming for is having multiple squeeze
pages on 1 Domain as Sub Domains.

Would this be a good idea?

If not why?

And if it is a good idea what do you think would be best for the domain name?

Should i do something like www.affiliatemarketing-101.com

or should it be something unrelated to affiliate marketing, something like


Something more personal?

thanks, as usual for all your advice.


07-06-2008, 09:33 AM

I would create a blog and build it's page rank over time.


Mark Gray
07-06-2008, 09:54 AM
Hi Craig,

But dont you need multiple blogs for EACH product you promote?

Or is that what you meant?

so you mean create a blog for SAc (for example) then over time
keep adding to the blog with new info etc?

Wont the info for certain products dry up?

HAHA can you tell i am a n00b blogger :)



Chris Wainwright
07-06-2008, 10:23 AM
Hi Mark,

It is question that I have asked many times and the best answer that I have received is the following:
The domain name should include some important keywords (i.e if you were trying to sell nokia 8800 mobile phones then you would have www.nokia8800.com or nokia-mobilephones.com).

This is the ideal situation to be in, although you can have success with such domains as :

The key is to have the targeted keywords displayed in your link (domian name) and your title of the page. These are currently the two most important parts of a single webpage (plus original content!!)

Hope this helps...good luck.

Chris Wainwright

07-07-2008, 11:20 AM
Hi Mark

step 1. Use your name and the domain name.

step 2. When you promote a product create a post about it and
just do your affiliate blogging there.

A good example of this is Robert Plank's blog


This is a blog I read every time he has something to say.

Criag is 100% right use a blog.


07-07-2008, 11:33 AM
I like the idea of building one massive domain .. interlinking all of the pages and plus you dont have to buy hosting or different domain names for each product or affiliate venture

Mark Gray
07-08-2008, 02:18 AM
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all of your replies, they have given me food for thought.

I would like to ask Chris/Craig wouldnt it just be as effective, if not more so,
to have 1 large domain and have a "section" of that domain a blogg
as well as all the other bits and bobs you could have attached
like squeeze pages, product reviews, links etc etc etc?



Chris Wainwright
07-08-2008, 05:45 AM
There is no right or wrong answer here, although there has been some research done that suggests having the keyword directly in the domain name does help with SE's.

But.....you can also have one domain name (as Charles so rightly pointed out) and have sub-domains working off the main domain.

e.g www.xyz.com - promoting Secret Affiliate Code = www.xyz.com/secret-affiliate-code.html

Just watch out in using too many "-" in the sub domain.

I have had success using both methods, so again there isn't a right or wrong answer.


Mason Tanner
07-09-2008, 10:22 PM
I have to agree. I have tried (with Adwords, not sure about SEO stuff) both ways for the same product. The customers do not seem to care and buy just as much either way.

07-10-2008, 09:18 AM
Hi Mark,

My method has always been to look for a search term within the subject matter that I can optimize for. I have started a new site at: netmarketingcourse.net

I choose that domain name very closely and over time will target the phrase "internet marketing course" which gets a health amount of search traffic each day. I also choose a phrase that is very general in nature so I can promote anything "internet marketing". I usually always go for the exact search phrase, however this time I am testing out some google LSI stuff. This is why the domain starts with "net" rather than internet.

Google understands that "net" offer refers to "internet" ... again lsi stuff.

You can search Google with the following: ~net

Which returns related terms in bold, thus internet.

That being said I would stick with the exact phrase if you can find a domain name with the search term. I have a site that I built last year around "domain parking" that now ranks in the top 10 out of 5+ million results ;-)

This way after a while your driving quality target traffic to your "hub site".
Hope this helps.

Richard Legg
07-11-2008, 05:11 PM

That's an interesting thought about the .net extension being semantically related to "internet" terms.

I've always gone for the .com name as much as possible, simply because I felt other extensions felt a little less 'authoritative'... maybe not to the SEs, but perhaps to people searching.

That's something I'm going to have to start testing ;)



07-14-2008, 09:34 AM
Hey Richard,

With regards to the "net" I am not talking about the domain extension but rather
my domain name itself. Again my goal is to target the search terms:

"internet marketing course"

I had a really tough time coming up with a domain name based on those terms. So
I did some LSI research with Google and found that Google understands that the term

- net related to "internet"

Simply search Google: ~net

You will see that Google has bolded the word "internet" so we know that google
understands that these two terms related to one another. I would have rather
grabbed a domain with "internet marketing course" but it was just not available ...

LSI is powerful stuff and really helps with ranking ;-)
Has been my experiance anyway.

Richard Legg
07-14-2008, 11:40 AM
Thanks for clearing that up - I guess I saw that your domain had a .net extension and figured
that's what you were talking about.

My fault for "skimming" through posts without reading them properly :P


07-14-2008, 11:42 AM
Richard -

Your not alone buddy, no buddy reads online ;-)