View Full Version : Congratulations to Craig Beckta!

Chris Freville
06-20-2008, 06:24 PM
I think everyone on this forum should state their congratulations and thanks to the one and only Craig Beckta!!!

Craig has just done his first major launch in IM and I know for a fact that its selling like crazy.

Other members on this forum should look at Craig as an ideal role model. He's been very active on this forum and built relationships with other marketers (including myself) that has ended up paying him dividends come his launch.

Watch, Follow, Learn, Take Action!

By the way another active member, Charles Kirkland has got his launch happening very soon so lets see if we can all get behind Charles as well and make it a double whammy for JVNP members!



06-20-2008, 10:00 PM
Thanks Chris,

I couldn't do it without the help of all my friends.

Thank you everyone.

I will return the favor.

It is all about working together as a team.

That is what Mike is trying to create here.

It is all about the greater good of all.

BTW Chris... you resemble a handsome guy on
my sales page...LOL

Chris is in the top ten ahead of Ewen Chia.

Way to go Chris.

I hope my JV emails aren't to annoying...

Thanks again to Chris, Charles, Mike and everyone else.

Craig Beckta

06-24-2008, 11:09 PM

Way to go..WOW.


Kevin Hastie
06-25-2008, 12:03 AM
Congratulations on your launch Craig!

I have purchased your product and that's actually why I joined this site. It really is a great product and things have really started to become more clear for me. Great job!

Hope that didn't sound too kiss buttish! :P


mohd sharulnazeri mohd al
06-25-2008, 08:58 AM
congratulation craig, for your success in launching of SAC. such a great launch,

Linus Rylander
06-25-2008, 09:55 AM
Yes, brilliant launch there! Grats mate. It was an interesting experience to follow the big boys, and surprisingly Travis Sago, move around the top 10 affiliates.

You're definitely worth looking up to :)


Richard Legg
06-25-2008, 01:33 PM
Hey Craig,

That was definitely a product I felt good about mailing to my list
and the reviews from people on this forum obviously show that
it was a great product.

It's great to see people in this forum starting to work together
and help each other out.

It was also interesting to see Criag use a lot of the teachings
from PLF in his launch - I'm sure that really helped keep the
momentum of things going.

A perfect example of taking action and making it happen.

I look forward to picking your brains in Chicago and buying
you a beer to say congrats :-)


06-25-2008, 06:06 PM
Hey yeah,

I saw the product too... I'd been using the same method competing with you on several launches (along with a friend) and we were the top 3 on the Squidoo lenses or sales pages...

Great method, works like a charm... (Craig always beat me!!! DOH') Good job still and hope you made a gazillion dollars from the launch and have some strong backends so you can keep prospering from that launch!

- Chris Stigson

PS: (Fairly new here... But will be coming out of my shell!)

Who do I contact and talk to and get help from and with? I'd love to help someone with smallstuff on PPC and some Squidoo web 2.0 stuff that I like to do (and forum marketing)! Any PM's would be great. new relationships are always great!

06-25-2008, 06:07 PM
Thanks everyone.

This is the place where it all started for me.

First I learned to become a good affiliate.

Second I watched all the product launches very

Third I paid my dues by promoting other
peoples products.

You can learn more here than you can learn
in courses that cost thousands of dollars.

I want to thank everyone for all the props.

It really has caught me off guard.

Thanks again...


Fabian Tan
06-26-2008, 12:21 AM
Hey Craig,

Well done with the great launch!

As Chris said, you are an amazing role model to the newer JVNP members like myself.

Again, awesome job!


06-26-2008, 05:00 AM

Thanks again...

If I can go from complete newbie to having a launch
in 11 months anyone can.

I hope it inspires everyone to cast out all doubts and
go for you dreams.

It is easy if you "believe" it is.

06-26-2008, 07:04 AM

congrates... amazing results, but he put a lot of hard work into it and earned his new place in the guru hall of fame.


06-26-2008, 10:13 AM
Well done Craig....

Adis Arifagic
06-26-2008, 01:57 PM

Congrats Craig! ;) I bough your product for the support! enjoy and good work btw! :)


Steven Aitchison
06-26-2008, 11:57 PM
Congratulations Craig

I see you are ranked no2 at the moment. I think it's great that when i have asked some questions I have always got a response within an hour and thanks for letting us know about this board.

Steven Aitchison
06-27-2008, 12:18 AM
Wow, just checked Google and noticed I am on the first page for a new promotion, no doubt that will change but not bad at all since I only put the page up about 8 hours ago. Thanks again Craig, I think this could really fire my earnings up.

06-27-2008, 12:06 PM
It will also get you noticed.

That is one of the things that
helped me break into the inner circle.

Good Work...


06-28-2008, 01:37 PM
The more I dive into this product, the more I get out of it. Following your blueprint is working for me. Thanks for all the great, timely support Craig. And the videos and audios that keep getting added keep the value going.

06-28-2008, 02:04 PM

It is all about
helping people.


Doug Parker
06-28-2008, 09:18 PM
Yes Congratulation,

Talk about a newbie, this is my first post to the forum. I just wanted to say that I found the information in SAC to be fantastic. I have been a lurker on forums and IM area for years, and like most have bought soooo much junk. This is refreshing, and I am learning a lot. More than that, putting a lot into action.

Again thanks,

Doug Parker

Susan Young
06-29-2008, 09:32 PM
Hi All,
I would like to add my thanks to Craig for his great product .... Secret Affiliate Code. I am VERY new to the IM industry (about 2 weeks) and count myself very lucky to have found such a value-packed tool so early on in my internet career. I will be retiring from my "day job" in about five months and between now and then I will be studying SAC and learning the ropes. I appreciate your patience as I look over your shoulders and learn from the Pros. I look forward to the day when I will know enough to be an active participant and have products of my own to share. The web site in my profile has been our personal site for some time but I am using it to test out some of the things I am learning from SAC. In the near future I hope to be publishing more on myfavoriteonlinebusinesstools.com, chuckstoolreviews.com (Chuck is my husband. I figure I'll make money while he spends it) and sowheretofromhere.com. They aren't live yet.. but check them out in a couple of months and nag me if they aren't up by then.
I hope I haven't worn out my welcome with this long first post!

Emily Berg
06-30-2008, 12:16 PM
Congratulations, Craig!

I'm new to this forum and to IM as well. I've just recently started reading SAC and I've got to say, it has taught me so much in so little time! I actually found out about JV Notify Pro in SAC and it seems to be taking me a bit longer to read through the material because of all the wonderful links to visit to get the process going. So thank you!!!!

Perhaps this is not the right chat to pose this question and please let me know if I should post it elsewhere, but here goes...

I've seen that different products such as iPods and computers are offered as an incentive to opt-in for the pre-launch product. Can I offer special bonuses like this on my website as an affiliate marketer? How can I find out what type of incentives are being offered by the seller and what is the setup process?

I welcome feedback from anyone who can help me out. Thanks!!! :)

Keith Ireland
06-30-2008, 12:29 PM
Hi Emily the Ipod and Computer bonus was from an high commission product I think it was a $1000 commission on that product, so by offering a free laptop craig was still able to make $500, so it all depends on the affiliate offer you are marketing. It will help you get more sales if you offer a nice bonus though.
If you are marketing a digital product you can offer some PLR ebooks as a bonus. If you shop around you can pick up some PLR Ebooks for next to nothing.
Or check out ebook-maniacs.com there's a load of free PLR ebooks on there you could offer as a bonus.

Good Luck Keith Ireland

Emily Berg
06-30-2008, 01:39 PM
Thanks for the advice, Keith! I will definitely be checking out that website.

07-01-2008, 05:58 PM
;D All the best to you Craig...

I just purchased your product and found it to be Top Notch :o
This is my first post, and I just want to thank you for giving me
the tools I need to get going in the right direction...

I will be intouch with you soon... ;D

Thanks for all your hard work...

Randy Jodoin