Roger Braun
07-21-2015, 09:24 PM
Grey Hat Media - MoneyCrafts - JV Invite
Launch Day: Tuesday, July 21st 2015
Hey Guys,
Roger here from MoneyCrafts software. Your time is valuable and let me get right to the point. I've struck gold and I want to share it with you! What?! Yup, it's true.
I've been doing internet marketing in the Health Supplement and Hospitality industry for years in Corporate America. In 2015, I decided I was tired of making money for other people so I struck out on my own and created MoneyCrafts software. MoneyCrafts helps the regular at home Mom, women looking to cash in on their crafting hobby, and small business with 2-8 employees that make one-of-a-kind hand crafted items and sell them on and their own website or blog.
You'd think this is a pretty small market but actually it is HUGE. My wife got me into helping her market her crafts on Etsy and that's when I came across a huge need. There are 100s of THOUSANDS of Etsy Sellers who do not have a clue on how to do their product listings and find the keywrods that have prospects find them. I developed MoneyCrafts Software to fill that need.
The program is super user friendly and I plan on adding more features over time and making this into the Gold-Standard of Must-Have software for any Etsy or Craft Seller online.
I have a secret: Etsy Sellers are virgin territory. Yes, it's true! They all follow one another on Twitter and Pinterest and you can quickly SEGMENT and IDENTIFY them for sales on social media and Pay-Per-Click. Don't take my word for it. Search Twitter for #EtsySellers and check it out for yourself!
MoneyCrafts solves these Etsy Sellers needs. They just need to become aware of it and buy. I've run hundred-thousand dollar affiliate programs in the Health Supplement industry which is why I'm launching an affiliate program. I am a one man show and I acknowledge when and where it makes sense to reach out for help. I am working on adding new features to the software, providing technical support to existing customers, and making new creative for affiliate ads. I'm stretched pretty thin so that is where you come in! I'm splitting what I make with you 50/50.
MoneyCrafts Software is 50% commission on JVZoo. You take the creative and do the marketing getting the word out there to these target sellers and your audience (MoneyCrafts can be beneficial to more than just Etsy Sellers) and we share the profits 50/50 from each sale you make. I do offer 30 Day money back guarantee so payments are delayed to the 31st day. After we establish a good working relationship and history together I will consider bumping that up to instant pay.
Still interested? Sign up and cash in:
Grey Hat Media - MoneyCrafts - JV Invite (
Launch Day: Tuesday, July 21st 2015
Hey Guys,
Roger here from MoneyCrafts software. Your time is valuable and let me get right to the point. I've struck gold and I want to share it with you! What?! Yup, it's true.
I've been doing internet marketing in the Health Supplement and Hospitality industry for years in Corporate America. In 2015, I decided I was tired of making money for other people so I struck out on my own and created MoneyCrafts software. MoneyCrafts helps the regular at home Mom, women looking to cash in on their crafting hobby, and small business with 2-8 employees that make one-of-a-kind hand crafted items and sell them on and their own website or blog.
You'd think this is a pretty small market but actually it is HUGE. My wife got me into helping her market her crafts on Etsy and that's when I came across a huge need. There are 100s of THOUSANDS of Etsy Sellers who do not have a clue on how to do their product listings and find the keywrods that have prospects find them. I developed MoneyCrafts Software to fill that need.
The program is super user friendly and I plan on adding more features over time and making this into the Gold-Standard of Must-Have software for any Etsy or Craft Seller online.
I have a secret: Etsy Sellers are virgin territory. Yes, it's true! They all follow one another on Twitter and Pinterest and you can quickly SEGMENT and IDENTIFY them for sales on social media and Pay-Per-Click. Don't take my word for it. Search Twitter for #EtsySellers and check it out for yourself!
MoneyCrafts solves these Etsy Sellers needs. They just need to become aware of it and buy. I've run hundred-thousand dollar affiliate programs in the Health Supplement industry which is why I'm launching an affiliate program. I am a one man show and I acknowledge when and where it makes sense to reach out for help. I am working on adding new features to the software, providing technical support to existing customers, and making new creative for affiliate ads. I'm stretched pretty thin so that is where you come in! I'm splitting what I make with you 50/50.
MoneyCrafts Software is 50% commission on JVZoo. You take the creative and do the marketing getting the word out there to these target sellers and your audience (MoneyCrafts can be beneficial to more than just Etsy Sellers) and we share the profits 50/50 from each sale you make. I do offer 30 Day money back guarantee so payments are delayed to the 31st day. After we establish a good working relationship and history together I will consider bumping that up to instant pay.
Still interested? Sign up and cash in:
Grey Hat Media - MoneyCrafts - JV Invite (