View Full Version : Getting Up-/Down sales for my funnel.

Olof K
07-03-2015, 02:49 AM
Hi there,
I'm looking for some up/down -sales for my product, and I was wondering:
Is it possible to add another vendors product to my funnel in JVzoo?

Any other ideas on how to find and add up-/down sells to build a killer funnel is welcome!

Best regard,
Olof K

Steve Yakim
07-19-2015, 10:26 AM
What you are suggesting should be a Joint Venture. It is not ethical to just add someone else's product to your funnel unless that is a product you have purchased resell rights to give you the license to do what you want to do. You need to remember that you have to be able to deliver the product after the purchase.

You can also contact other product owners with a Joint Venture offer that would have you join your product offers together.

This may be a hard JV to get because the product owner will view you as trying to add your product to their funnel.

There is an easier way to do this...

1. Create a free type product that will advertise your product that you want to sell some where in the free product.

2. Contact product owners who have complementary products to yours and let them know that they can add your free product as a bonus to their product. Or you can have them add an ad for your free product on their download page.

3. In return for these product owners adding your free product to their funnels, you will offer an affiliate commission for every product of yours they sell. To do this you add the product owner's affiliate link to your product in the free product they are giving away as either an advertised bonus or an unadvertised bonus.

This process is called integration marketing. This is the type of marketing you are suggesting in your post. There are a lot of ways to do integration marketing and I only mentioned 2 of them.

I hope this has been helpful,
Steve Yakim

Steve Yakim
07-28-2015, 08:48 PM
Hi Olof,

You may be in luck but not on JVZoo. There is a new affiliate/vendor network that pays instantly called DUvisio.com. DUvisio is now adding a way for their Enterprise members to mark their products in the Public Market Place that will let other vendors know they are interested in an Integration type Joint Venture. This means they are willing to have their product used as your trigger, upsell or downsell product.

You can try to do the joint venture yourself or you will be assigned a joint venture broker that can create the joint venture for you.

It is called Instajv Funnel and will probably be available in a week of this post. Again it is only available for the Enterprise Membership Level.

Like I said in my first answer to your post, this should be a joint venture. DUvisio.com is the only Affiliate/Vendor network that is willing to help you make more money using joint ventures.

I hope this has been helpful,
Steve Yakim