View Full Version : Hello From Zack Roberts

04-21-2008, 07:09 AM
Hey guys,

I just found out about this site from a friend of mine and I'm excited to be part of this community.

I've dabbled with I.M for about 1 year and I'm still learning new things everyday.

I'm started out with affiliate sales but my long term goal is to create my own product line.

My passion is guitar playing and I'm currently working on the finishing touches to my blues backing track product. (took about 8 months from start to completion)

If anyone is in the music niche, or blues niche, lets connect. :>


Mike Merz
04-21-2008, 08:26 AM
Welcome to JVNP, Zack.

We have 3 years worth of posts in the archives ... yours to enjoy and learn from.

Stay active ... and you'll speed up the process even more.



Jeffrey Dean
04-24-2008, 09:45 AM
This might seem counter intuitive but I would work on more than one product at once. Three at the most.
My reasoning for this is that not every product succeeds on a large scale, if your goal is to work at internet marketing full time you want to have a steady stream of income.
If you are willing to create a membership then you'll not have the headache of needing to create new products on a regular basis. Cut down on the blood, sweat and tears so to speak.
I'm not very familar with the music world, though I know there is a guy named Jermaine Griggs of hearandplay.com and nittygrittymarketing.com - he's done well for himself coming from the music world. He might be someone to model or start working with. Very personable guy.