View Full Version : Ever tried to White List your domain? TIP

Dee Monty
02-07-2008, 06:34 AM
When you send out JV emails, customer and affiliate emails- avoid being blacklisted for spam.

Tired of legit emails, jv account info, download links for customers ending up in the spam folders when free emails are used like, yahoo, hotmal, AOL etc ? Or just want to protect yourself from ever being accused of spamming when you don't?

Seem to have put in place a great anti spam system. One that only allows the original PPC email through:
eg. porn, pils and casino adds :) and send all other important emails right to the junk folders on people's accounts. Want to avoid this happening to your emails?

First, check your domain somewhere like this:


Make sure you are set up properly with Reverse DNS and PTR Records- ask your host if you don't know how to do this. Then submit your info and take a look at these places and request your domain whitelisted:

Hotmail JMR Feedback Loop

AOL Feedback Loop

AOL Whitelist


Hotmail SNDS

United Online Feedback Loop



A free habeas report can be very helpful to get and retain for many reasons. Fisrt of all get it- and when it exhonerates you as being a non spam domain- send this report to all the above and keep it to show your isp if anyone ever accuses you of spamming.

Use aweber or similar for regular send out where ever possible to lower the chances of having problems too.

02-07-2008, 05:53 PM

That is some great advice. How do you get off if you are blacklisted?

Charles Kirkland

Dee Monty
02-07-2008, 06:52 PM
I belive you follow the process above- they will check things out, all being well they will remove you.

Hope that helps :)

Chris Douthit
02-09-2008, 05:38 PM
If you get blacklisted it can be a huge pain, but is possible to get your ip off the list if you go through the proper channels. The best place to find out of you have been blacklisted is at.


If you are blacklisted you should first make sure you follow all guidelines posted in the Can-Spam Act


If you emails meet all the criteria as specified in the regulation, you must contact a blacklist owner, such as SpamCop, and explain your problem. The blacklisting agency will require you to send them copies of the emails not being delivered to establish if you are following regulatory guidelines.

Getting “whitelisted”, with the major ISPs, is the best way to not get blacklisted. The “big four” ISPs, AOL, Yahoo, Google Mail, and MSN (Hotmail), take an aggressive stance against spamming and those who do it. However if you wish to get whitelisted with them you need to apply to each one seporately. Below are the direct links to get whitelisted for the big four.

AOL: http://postmaster.info.aol.com/tools/whitelist_guides.html

Yahoo: http://Add.Yahoo.com/fast/help/us/mail/cgi_bulkmail

Google Mail: http://www.google.com/mail/help/bulk_mail.html

Hotmail: http://www.senderscorecertified.com/apply/

The Sender Score Certified helps your promotions get delivered through Hotmail, MSN, RoadRunner, and around 40,000 other ISPs.

Sean I. Mitchell
02-19-2008, 01:03 AM
nice thread, great resources...


- Sean

02-19-2008, 07:53 AM
So do they blacklist based on domains or IP's or both?

Charles Kirkland