View Full Version : Hi, Elizabeth here, coding nurd but absolutley no idea about marketing.

Elizabeth Westhead
03-25-2014, 05:07 PM
Hi, my husband is a coding genius, Im not as good as him but quite good on design, searching round the internet and promotion.
We are working on app development at the moment and have two brilliant app systems that we are looking to promote, affiliate, joint venture, anything really to get them off to a great start.
We also own a beach side bar and villa complex on a tiny island called Jinack, The Gambia, nothing to do with coding or tec stuff but interesting and brilliant in winter.

Mike Merz
03-26-2014, 05:33 AM
Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Elizabeth ... it sounds like you and your husband have a lot to offer, I'm looking forward to reading your contributions. ;)


Mike Sr