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View Full Version : Hello All. Flex Programmer from the UK

Mike Davidson
07-24-2011, 04:23 PM
Hi Everyone,

My name is Mike and I am a web developer specializing in Adobe Flex programming and application development.

I am also interested in real estate investing and have built a small portfolio here in the UK. I became extremely interested in wealth creation a few years back which culminated in the creation of a wealth creation software product. It has taken all my spare time in the past 2 years so I am determined to make it work (or pay me back at least!). I have been through the full cycle of creating the software with designers and websites, copy writers, etc. In fact my copy writer referred me here (thanks Jennie). I could see immediately that there is so much to learn in IM. You can do everything but the trick is you have to do it effectively!

In my programming experience I have developed Apps for Symbian, the BBC and Pearson Education plus numerous other medium and small companies..

I am looking forward to learning the effective methods needed and forming solid JV partnerships moving forwards. I have mobile apps in development too so this is another area I have some knowledge on.

please feel free to drop me a line about anything


Mike Merz
07-26-2011, 01:23 PM
Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Mike ... as one with little technical prowess (I leave the heavy technical lifting to Mike Jr), I feel you can never have too many Techies on board. ;)


Mike Sr

Greg Schneider
07-26-2011, 01:30 PM
Great to have you here Mike :-)